Meet the Founder: Bikbaye Inejnema

Bikbaye Inejnema is a teacher of Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) knowledge, cultural activist, healer, spoken word artist, writer, producer, director and recording artist from Chicago. In 1998,

Bikbaye’s destiny led him to cross paths with a Dogon /Kemetic high priest from Burkina Faso, Neb Naba, who was sent to America by his elders to share the sacred mystery school knowledge of the Nile & Niger Valley Civilizations. Bikbaye became his first apprentice and eldest student in the U.S.

Upon completing 6 of 10 years of initiation and receiving the ancient teachings, Bikbaye was sent to establish traditional schools in several U.S. states to continue the initiatic education of Ancient Tamerri/Kemet (Africa).

Bikbaye has taught & lectured nationally and abroad. He is the founder of the Conscious Youth Global Movement (CYGM) and the Conscious Youth Global Network (CYGN).

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