CYGM is promoting the “Conscious” expression of Youth through the Arts.

CYGM is inspiring the Youth to create artistic content that is “Conscious”; meaning it has an inspirational “upbeat” message that is morally or spiritually elevating; speaks to the heart, mind, body and soul.  These energetic messages foster personal development and leadership skills, which are a great benefit to the community.

Unique to CYGM is its commitment to pass on the core traditional values & principles that have been carried for thousands of years by the “The Elders” for our genuine safety & security.

“The Elders” are wise men and women, grandmothers & grandfathers, teachers & healers, prophecy keepers & storytellers who carry sacred indigenous (tribal) teachings. This is “lost” ancestral knowledge, which we call Original Instructions, in accords with the Laws of Nature, which are not taught in today’s classrooms.

CYGM does not promote or affiliates itself with social activist causes (Climate Change, Politics, Racial Equity, etc.) or Religion, its focus is strictly spiritual and encourages creativity & personal development.

CYGM is partnering with other like-minded organizations & artists that desire to create specific content that is in alignment with CYGM’s Mission statement.  This is a Call-to-Action!  Join in the fun!



ONE- Seek strategies for personal development & leadership!  A better you will improve the conditions of your surroundings and have a positive impact on the community.

TWO- Each one, teach one!  Pass on the “conscious” messages you learn from CYGM, or other related-youth mentors, elders and materials (books, podcasts, YouTube videos). Be the bridge to connect other youth to ancestral knowledge & traditional teachings.

THREE- Connect to Mother Earth!  On your journey as a “conscious youth”, take time to walk among nature. Breathe in the fresh air. Place your bare feet on the ground. Express gratitude!

FOUR- Unite the 4 directions!  Use your “conscious” Art to connect with other “conscious” youth from divergent peoples, tribes & nations. Take pride in your own cultural heritage, while respecting others. We can work together; distinct cultures with common shared interests. One family, One people, One heart and One mind. Strength through Unity!

FIVE- Love thyself!  Your body is your temple. Avoid harmful foods & toxins. Forgive yourselves & others. Let go of negative thoughts & emotions. Bless your food & water on a regular basis. Make time for self-care.

SIX- Honor the Divine Feminine!  Give woman the highest level of respect. When women are whole & empowered, families are too; thus the bond of humanity is strengthened. The feminine is the matrix of all Creation.

SEVEN- Return to your traditional values!  Return back to a holistic way of living that is compatible with our Earth Mother.  The indigenous traditional elders are living libraries. They are here to assist all of humanity at this time. Make the effort to learn their ancestral wisdom. Seek out CYGM or other related-youth mentors that have direct access to their teachings, ceremonies and gatherings.

EIGHT- Co-create with “conscious” intent!  Allow your Art to manifest an outcome that is for the highest good of all concerned. We are all co-creators with the Divine and all other life forms on this planet. Tap into your highest potential.

NINE- Gather in numbers!  Come together with other “creative” youth in ceremony, celebration and personal development via festivals, workshops, group forums and concerts that promote global “consciousness”.  Invite community leaders & indigenous traditional elders to speak & participate. Bridge the generational gap. Create an atmosphere of community.

TEN- Build a “conscious” social network!  Technology can serve the movement. Utilize all opportunities of digital communication to spread messages of “consciousness”.  Promote your “conscious” Art and the Conscious Youth Global Movement.


Note: CYGM is affiliated with The Each1Teach1 Elder Council (47 elders representing 25 tribes) and E1T1 Movement, which speaks “in general” on behalf of indigenous Traditional Elders on Turtle Island and beyond.  Back in 2016 this movement was launched with a “mandate” to connect the youth to the sacred indigenous teachings of “The Elders”.  The Each1Teach1 Movement has been put on hold, but its mandate, with its blessings, is alive & well via the CYGM.  CYGM’s Core Principles come from The Each1Teach1 Movement!


HOW TO CONTRIBUTE (4 simple steps)

1: Live in accordance with the core values & principles of CYGM.  Take time to learn “CONSCIOUS” teachings from positive role-models, youth mentors or elders in your community, the Teaching Tools from this website and from respected sources online.  LEARN!

2: Incorporate what you learn (CONSCIOUSNESS) into the Music, Art and Culture that you represent.  INCORPORATE!

3: Promote your CONSCIOUS content, and its association with the Conscious Youth Global Movement (CYGM), through your social media & community interactions.  PROMOTE!

4: Build relationships & networks with other CONSCIOUS youth, artists and elders in order to grow the Conscious Youth Global Movement (CYGM). NETWORK!

Note: From this Network others will expand upon the actions initiated by this platform.  Like a seed, content will grow and will influence generations to come.


The core values and tenets (principles) outlined in this Proclamation may be overwhelming to many of you who are unfamiliar with the term “conscious” or who not have had any access to sacred indigenous teachings.  That is OK!  CYGM-affiliated traditional elders & youth-mentors may be available to assist your learning process.  In addition, this CYGM website offers educational blog posts to assist your journey. Knowledge is power!  Wisdom is enlightening!

Click on this LinkTree link for easy access to Blog Highlights and Educational Resources:

Note: This LinkTree has additional learning resources that are not on the website. This LinkTree is CYGM’s primary site, this website feeds links to the LinkTree. LinkTree makes it easier to navigate the CYGM archive.