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Maharishi Meditation Effect
In addition to mending the Sacred Hoop via Medicine Wheels that heal Mother Earth, meditation has the potential to literally transform the world. In 1978, what is known as the “Maharishi Effect” took place when a group of 7000 individuals over the course of 3 weeks were meditating in hopes of positively affecting the surrounding city. They were able to literally transform the collective energy of that city, which reduced global crime rates, violence, and casualties during the times of their meditation by an average of 16%. Suicide rates and automobile accidents also were reduced with all variables accounted for. In fact, there was a 72% reduction in terrorist activity during the times at which this group was meditating.
Almost 50 studies have been done further confirming the benefits of global meditation and its direct impact on everything in the world, even so far as to having the results published in the “Journal of Crime and Justice” in 1981. We know meditation has endless health & psychological benefits as well.
The secret of the Global Maharishi Effect is the phenomenon known to Physics as the “Field Effect”, the effect of coherence, positivity produced from the field of infinite correlation, the field of Transcendental Consciousness, which is basic to creation and permeates all life everywhere.
Meditation takes your consciousness to the implicate levels of existence where your intentions have consequential effects on the explicate level that we interact with before it even manifests. Consciousness gives rise to the material. The key idea is that all of existence emanates out of a field of universal consciousness, called the Unified Field or Super String Field.
[Post by Mackboogaloo]
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The force behind Inter-Tribal Unity
“Maybe the greatest circle of life is love itself. When we send out love, it circles creation until the end of time, and returns to us many times during her long journey. She reaches out to Creator, completes her circle, and returns to us ten-fold.”
On our particular journey, however, we as spiritual beings have been placed on a physical plane of duality for our own spiritual development. We have been separated & divided from divinity and thrown into a game of survival. We were given sacred instructions; then tossed into the playing field.
With spiritual growth comes ups & downs. As we have evolved, we hopefully acquired a level of spiritual maturity that is unwavering in its quest towards enlightenment. We have completed an old cycle of time and are approaching a new Golden Age. We have been given a choice! We have hope! But we have to gather our nations together and take a stand. Or else, divided we will fall.
On the higher spiritual plane of existence, peace, love & harmony is ever-flowing. There are no conflicts, no wars, no diseases, etc. On this dense physical plane of human existence that we share it is quite the opposite. The forces that oppose inter-tribal unity consciousness thrive in chaotic conditions. They feed upon our fear; especially upon our hate. It takes a lot of spiritual maturity to confront these forces of opposition, all the while knowing that we are all related, we are all one and that love is the answer.
To be a spiritual activist, like Mad Bear, spiritual maturity is essential. The forces that oppose inter-tribal unity consciousness will use every trick in the book to steer us away from using our power center, which is the sacred human heart.
Heart intuitively knows! The brain has to logically process things out in a linear manner, relying heavily on stimuli it has received in the past from its 5 senses, which are not very accurate.
Ego is a self-protective mechanism of our logical mind. Ego once served as a self-defensive back up system for emergencies to protect ourselves. During the course of evolution, our ego has been re-wired to be of service-to-self, whereas, the heart looks out for the benefit of everyone.
From a spiritual metaphysical level, the wisdom teachings of our Traditional Elders tell us that “love” is the all pervasive power behind all creation. It is above thought and permeates below the molecular structure of the cosmos. Love is an active living thing with tremendous power. It is the only energy which can reproduce itself from itself. Dr. George King (a channel for Mars Sector 6), in his book “The Nine Freedoms”, states that when a stream of love energy is sent towards an object and a barrier is put up against it, “love will multiply its potency by four and return to its target, until it is received.”
Author, Gregg Braden, was on Coast to Coast AM radio, years back, discussing studies which now validate that heart-based living via feelings of gratitude, appreciation, care, etc., can literally generate a magnetic field inside our electromagnetic bodies that is part of the magnetic field of the Earth. When people come together and create a common feeling from the heart, that experience is called "coherence" which can actually be measured. It is 0.10 Hertz. That is the measurement of the coherence created between the heart and the brain.
Scientists first found out about this coherence during 9/11 when our satellites, 22,000 miles in space, began to register changes in the magnetic field of the Earth, when humans were having feelings about 9/11 and the World Trade Center. This was a surprise to science! They asked, "Why would people, experiencing 9/11, affect the magnetic fields of the Earth?" "There's no connection, right?" Well, wrong! They found that there is a connection. People's electromagnetic emotions do indeed affect the magnetic field of Planet Earth.
In response to our post-2012 reality, Gregg Braden suggests that we learn the language of the magnetic field that is creating turbulent changes & challenges in our world. With our hearts we should help bring that field from chaos into order so that we can have a positive outcome. We can truly influence the very fields that are creating the change.
All things living upon Earth and in the galaxy react to love. The heart is a generator of love. As Spiritual Activists, if we truly connect to our very own sacred heart then we will have instant rapport with the living universe. This is true power!
We can reverse the re-wiring of our ego through ceremony, spiritual practices & daily habits that support the heart. As Spiritual Activists, we must be vigilant and monitor our thoughts at all times to filter out ideas that are contrary to the vibration of love & compassion for all.
We have become our own worst enemies over time. By ignoring the Sacred Instructions and living out of fear, we have lost our personal power. But remember this; the forces that oppose inter-tribal unity consciousness have no power over the heart. The more light we shine on their negative occult practices, their use of trickery & deceit, etc., the weaker their matrix of control will become.
[Post by Mackboogaloo]
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Healing Sacred Sites with the Medicine Wheel
According to the Hopi, long ago the Great Spirit came down and gathered the peoples of the Earth together on an island that is now beneath the water with a message, “I am going to send you to 4 directions and over time I am going to change you to four colors, but I am going to give you teachings and you will call these teachings the Original Teachings. And when you come back together with each other you will share these teachings so that you can live and have peace on Earth and a great civilization will come about.”
The four groups of people were to learn everything they could about the specific guardianship they were given by the Great Spirit and then share their knowledge at the end of the cycle when the time for amazing transformation were to happen on the planet.
He gave the Indian people, the Red people of the west the guardianship of the Earth. Today, this guardianship continues with some of the Indian people, although many Indians have turned their back to the traditional ways & Original Instructions.
One guardian in particular has garnered very specific knowledge pertaining to the Medicine Wheel and has shared this information with the 4 directions during this time of transition, in accordance with the Great Spirit. His name was Rainbow Thunder Heart (Shoshone) aka “Bavado” from the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming. He taught us how to heal Mother Earth’s Sacred Sites with the Medicine Wheel.
Bavado taught us that “Sacred Sites are charging stations that charge the Earth with electrical current. Two energies are spinning there; one to the left, the other to the right. The energy that gives power to these is in the center, the creator energy, where the vortex spins. That’s what creates power to make things happen. Whatever you put into the spinning energy, the thought, prayer, intention or word, comes into being.”
“Our elders tell us as children to only speak the most beautiful words in a most sacred way for great health, love, honor, trust, respect and integrity for nature’s benefit in all of our emotions, thoughts, actions and words. They tell us that what we say, we can make happen.”
The elder Bavado recalled that in 2004, “Yellowstone’s super volcano was preparing to explode. The geysers closed, steam was trapped under the Earth. Beneath the water an eleven story caldera was bubbling up. Scientists were saying that if it exploded, a circle 600 to 1200 miles across would have been blown out of the Earth. A nuclear winter would have come to the whole Earth.”
“The spirits and the ancestors came to me, showing many dreams & visions with instructions in the dreams of how the Medicine Wheel ceremony works. A message came from my ancestors in dream time explaining the petroglyph drawing on a rock art panel located in New Mexico that taught how the Medicine Wheel ceremony would work to heal the Yellowstone super volcano’s seismic energy that was out of balance due to humanity’s thoughts, words, emotions and actions. Ceremonies on 19 points of Sacred Sites with alternating positive & negative energy vortexes on all the 19 Sacred Sites and in the center would heal the volcano’s explosive energy.”
“On May 8th & 9th, 2004, people gathered on the 19 Sacred Sites and in the middle. Thousands of people came to the aid of Mother Earth from around the world, all cultures & nations came together to bless Mother Earth. For two days people put prayers & thoughts on the 19 Sacred Sites and in the middle. These areas vibrated with drumming, singing and dancing, giving love to all the elements; earth, wind, fire, water and ether. The caldera went down. The Yellowstone super volcano was healed.”
In November 2004, Bavado successfully duplicated his Medicine Wheel protocol and reversed a historic drought at Big Bear Lake in California. Bavado attributed the drought to man-made causes. “The electromagnetic energy lines, the ley lines, that charge the Earth with energy, had been cut by mining & development. Tunnels had been cut in the Earth. The Mission Indians, the tribe in the area, had been killed by genocide. Dynamite & heavy equipment with bad sounds & vibrations had de-harmonized the Earth. This is why the water had left.”
Bavado went on to perform other successful Medicine Wheel ceremonies at Stone Mountain (near Atlanta, Georgia) in 2008, Pacific Northwest (Olympia, Washington) in 2010, the Grand Teotihuacan (northeast of Mexico City) and San Jose, Coast Rica in 2011, which paved the way for an Eagle & Condor Nations Medicine Wheel in 2012 that covered a distance of 4,000 miles.
Bavado put the “web of life” into perspective. “The Earth is put together in circles within circles, in Sacred Geometry. The Sacred Sites charge the Earth with electromagnetic energy and keep the current flowing, like nerves create electromagnetic current in our bodies. They carry electromagnetic current to the body of the Earth, through the Web of Life, charging all of us, humans, animals, plants, soils, with energy for life. The energy in the ground is a negative charge and when we are walking on it, the current is going up our feet to our heart. A positive charge energy is coming down from the air, Father Sky, to our heart. Two energies, negative & positive, meet to make electromagnetic energy.”
“Sacred Sites are all over the Earth, a giant web of energy, Grandmother Spider’s Web, the Web of Life. Huge energy grids circle the planet, circulating energy such as the Rainbow Serpent ley line (female) and the Plumed Serpent ley line (male). Two spinning energies charge the Earth's chakras, Sacred Sites. They spiral like kundalini does in humans, charging the Earth’s chakras, Sacred Sites.”
“At one time, people all around the planet worked to charge the Earth with a blanket of energy known as the Web of Life. Today, if the Web is not healed, repaired and charged full of enough energy for the electrical waves to get through, they can only get so far. We need to clean & clear and reconnect the Web of Life and get it set back in motion. Whoever is doing those kinds of things now keeps it clear & clean and charged full of energy and a high vibration of love, because love is to be everywhere now.”
“In order to get there, we are told to repair the Web, heal the Web, bless the Web, reconnect & restructure it, rebuild it. And that is what we are doing with the circle ceremonies known as Medicine Wheel ceremonies.”
The forces opposed to inter-tribal unity consciousness are afraid of this simple truth… We have the power to heal our Earth Mother ourselves!
Just think about it. If all the indigenous tribes on Turtle Island, along with supportive non-Indians, would put aside their tribal differences & historic animosities and positioned themselves using Medicine Wheels on Sacred Sites & ley lines on their land, they could coordinate a simultaneous grand healing that would heal Turtle Island in one big swoop. In doing so, mending the Sacred Hoop!
[Post by Mackboogaloo]
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PROPHECY KEEPERS: White Roots of Peace Council
The “White Roots of Peace Council”, a different entity from the touring White Roots of Peace collective founded by Ernest Benedict & Tom Porter, was created by Mad Bear sometime in the 1960’s. The Council was set up to have meetings once a year in the 4 different areas of the continent. It is not a highly structured organization.
Will “Blueotter” Anderson (Cherokee) was designated by the Original Keetoowah Society's John "Red Hat" Duke as Council Speaker for the White Roots of Peace Council in 2000. Blueotter considers anyone who is interested in promoting Native prophecy as a member of it.
“Red Hat asked me to spearhead an effort to revive it until someone more senior appeared. I consider Mike Bastine and many others to be more senior. The verbiage White Roots of Peace ‘Council’ is my invention and an attempt to add some structure to it in the Internet era.”
The White Roots of Peace Council and similar Peace Councils were long prophesied by the Hopi to occur once the "House of Mica" was built. All the original White Roots of Peace Council elders have "walked West” (deceased), all forewarning before their deaths that the Purification Day of The Hopi Prophecy would closely follow their "walk West." Only a few well-mentored sons & daughters remain to speak in their behalf.
The mission of The White Roots of Peace Council is to fulfill the wishes of Hopi, Cherokee and Iroquois "White Roots of Peace" gatherings elders in sending their prophetic messages around the world. The council intends to establish peace through the worldwide realization of our ancient common global "relatedness”.
In 1985, Mad Bear appeared to Blueotter in a dream suggesting that he follow up on his Cherokee genealogy. This later led Blueotter to Zula Brinkerhoff, adopted daughter of David Monongye, Keeper of the Hopi Prophecy, who then introduced him to John "Rolling Thunder" Pope.
Will “Blueotter” Anderson assisted John “Red Hat” Duke in framing the council's charitable arm, "Prophecykeepers Foundation". This foundation and the Prophecy Keepers radio show, on, are both a ministry of the Oklevueha Native American Church of The White Roots of Peace, a 501(c) public foundation.
Blueotter hosts Prophecy Keepers radio, along with his co-host, “Mark the Badger”. Since 2004, Blueotter has interviewed over 250 Native American elders & Prophecy Keepers, including Russell Means (Oglala Lakota), Stanley Krippner, Ed “Eagleman” McGaa (Oglala Lakota), Chief Golden Light Eagle (Ihunktowan Dakota) Clifford Mahooty (Zuni), Hunbatz Men (Mayan) Grandmother Barbara Morning Star (Oglala Lakota) and Carl Calleman.
Mad Bear intended to write a book comparing prophecies from all over the world. His busy & never ending Spiritual Activism prevented him from writing his intended “Earth Mother Crying” book. Fortunately, Blueotter picked up the mantle by doing the necessary comparative research and writing an E-Book in 2003, using the same name.
Blueotter actually collected many cross-cultural prophecies for his newsletter in 1996. This was two years prior to learning about Mad Bear’s intention to write “Earth Mother Crying”.
Blueotter’s E-Book is an encyclopedia of Native people’s prophecies of Earth Changes that precede the coming age of “Universal Peace”. It compares biblical & indigenous prophecy worldwide and teaches us how to prepare for the coming “Purification”.
Other E-Books have been written by Blueotter to assist our preparation efforts and support the mission of the White Roots of Peace Council.
[Post by Mackboogaloo]
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Learning Indian Medicine Mad Bear
“The power is not within the medicine men, the power is within the Creator. We work through the Creator. We’re only the tools of the Creator. Without him, Indian medicine can’t work.”
Read this free definitive E-Book on Inter-Tribal Unity efforts led by Mad Bear Anderson (Tuscarora), which started as a collaboration between the Hopi and the Iroquois, named the AMERICAN INDIAN UNITY MOVEMENT (1950’s–1980’s). This is lost history the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) does not want you to know. And almost lost Indian Medicine knowledge that the world must not forget!
American Indians and medicine men have had their religions & spiritual practices suppressed (sometimes violently) and denied. They could even be jailed and thrown into an insane asylum. With the formation of the United States and the adoption of the Bill of Rights which speaks of freedom of religion, this freedom has been denied to Indians based on the notion that they were not citizens and therefore this freedom did not apply to them. The period of time from 1870 to 1934 can be considered the Dark Ages for American Indian Religious Freedom.
The passing of the American Indian Religious Freedom Act on August 11, 1978 allowed Indians & medicine men to practice their spirituality out in the open, however, suppression of Native American Spirituality still continues today with restrictions on certain medicinal herbs deemed illegal, like Cannabis & Peyote. Only the Native American Church (Indian & non-Indian members) has permission by the Feds to utilized these sacred sacraments.
During Mad Bear’s time, as a young man, traditional medicine people & Longhouse members were the outcasts of the god-fearing Christian Iroquois society in the late 1940’s. Their “old ways” and practices were kept underground. The word “elder” was not even a word that was commonly spoken of back in those days. Despite the obscurity, the elder traditionalists were an incredible resource of knowledge for Mad Bear. They were like a living library. He soaked up all their teachings like a sponge and kept the medicine practices close to his heart at all times.
Tuscarora medicine men do not have secret medicine societies like those of the Seneca. Mad Bear was allowed to join in their societies at the Tonawanda Reservation. He became a member of the False Face society.
Mad Bear eventually became popular on & off the Tuscarora reservation for his curative medicine powers. People came to him to cure their mental, physical and spiritual ailments. Mad Bear did his healings for others on Saturday & Sunday mornings. It was normal to see a line of cars parked outside of his home with people waiting to get treated.
Mad Bear did other medicine work of his own at other times of the day. He was known to be nocturnal at times; on the other end of the spectrum, Mad Bear would be up before daybreak, ready to greet the morning sun.
Mad Bear’s medicine ceremonies, like those of the traditionalist medicine people who he associated with, always worked since they were only performed when needed; they were treated with the highest respect and never done just to show off. Medicine was serious business, though Mad Bear would often do it with a smile and a sense of humor, which is medicine in its own right.
Mad Bear and his traditionalist medicine counterparts were also protective in keeping the sacred elements of their work private. They openly shared only the elements that were necessary to be given to the 4 directions, per their prophecies in accordance with the Galactic Timepiece. These medicine men knew what lines not to cross in order to preserve their sacred medicine teachings for the next 7 generations.
Mad Bear and the traditional medicine people took great risks in coming public. Not only were they a target of the U.S. government who wanted to keep the Red Man down, they were targeted by some members of their own tribes who opposed their openness. Some thought the timing was not right. These folks, unfortunately, lacked an understanding of the prophecies and the cycles of time that relate to the Galactic Timepiece.
As a result of the targeting of medicine people, they would often cloak their gatherings, up until the 1980’s, as cultural gatherings or pow wows. The medicine element was kept on the hush-hush.
Mad Bear wouldn’t begin his treatments before sunrise and he would never work past sunset. His routine involved asking his guests some basic questions to get them comfortable & loosened up. He then would throw some tobacco leaves into a glass of water and he would peer into it.
The sacred tobacco Mad Bear used was different from most common tobacco. Mad Bear would hold the tobacco in his hand and talk to it, reminding the tobacco of its sacred function and investing it with a special purpose and a sense of mission.
Psychic ailments would usually require a ceremony with wood or herbs being burned. Physical ailments, on the other hand, would normal involve a prescribed herbal treatment that would serve as the remedy.
Michael Bastine once asked Mad Bear what percentage of the herbs does the healing. He replied back, “Ten percent! Have you ever heard of the Placebo Effect? Now that’s real medicine!”
Michael, now understanding the Placebo Effect, explained that when you as a healer connect to a person on another level, and you convince them that what you are going to give them (the remedy) will completely cure their condition, not just improve it, they will be completely cured.
The Placebo Effect is now causing complications with the F.D.A. approval of pharmaceutical drugs. If you are a drug company attempting to pass a new drug through the F.D.A. approval process, your drug has to be better than the placebo. The Placebo Effect at the time that the F.D.A. set up their standards was at 30%. This meant that 30% of the time the test subjects were given sugar pills it had the same effect as the pharmaceutical drug. So in order to get F.D.A. stamp of approval your drug has to test at 31% or above. Now, due to the acceleration of human consciousness, via our position within the Galactic Timepiece, post-2012, the F.D.A. is ignoring the Placebo Effect in their approval process because the test subjects are testing at 60% and higher.
Mad Bear would never give a performance of his medicine powers. If he was challenged to demonstrate his abilities by critics or curious bystanders, he would say, “If you want to see a show, get a ticket for the circus. What we (medicine men) are about is the message.”
Mad Bear would sometimes send people to other healers if he felt that they would not follow through on his specific directions. Some of his prescriptions were irrational and had to be followed to the letter.
Mad Bear often forgot about the readings he gave in his past, even some of the most remarkable ones. He said once that he deliberately forgets because he does not want old cases to cloud up his mind and get in the way of new ones. Mad Bear’s healing work had to be mentally exhausting as well, so forgetting about past readings was probably beneficial to his mental health as well.
Mad Bear would never let 3rd parties sit in on his healings. Occasionally, some people passing through or close by, like Michael Bastine, would witness some of his incredible curative powers.
One example that Michael observed was with a 90 year old German-American women who came to Mad Bear seeking a remedy and attempting to avoid surgery. She had a bowel obstruction. To gain her confidence & trust, Mad Bear looked at the tobacco leaves, and he used his clairvoyant abilities to describe back to the lady in detail what type of meal preparation habits she had at her home. This caused her to laugh and say, “Are you looking in through my windows?” Mad Bear laughed and said, “No. I see it here through the glass and that’s what I’m reading for you.”
While Mad Bear was doing his reading, peering into the tobacco leaves, he was also utilizing his clairvoyance to see if this German-American woman was going to follow the instructions that he intended to give her.
At the end of the lady’s reading, Mad Bear asked Michael if he knew how to prepare Okra. Michael did and was given special instructions by Mad Bear to concoct a slimy Okra side dish for her to take home and eat along with her other meals.
Before the German-American women returned to see Mad Bear again, and after eating all of the Okra, she went into the hospital to have her obstruction checked. The doctors told her that the obstruction was gone; they don’t know what happened. Mad Bear related to Michael that the slime in the Okra was identical to the layer of mucus in our bowels. He explained that as people get older, the layers of mucus in their bowels tend to deplete and that was the problem for the lady that came to be treated by Mad Bear.
A cab driver came to Mad Bear for a tea (tobacco leaves) reading. He said to Mad Bear, “If I didn’t have bad luck, I wouldn’t have any luck at all.” Mad Bear went ahead and started the reading and said, “I see you have a new ring.” The cab driver responded, “Yeah, one of my fares didn’t have any cash. He really needed a ride so he offered me this gold ring to pay for the cab ride and I accepted it.” As Mad Bear was looking though the glass jar at the tobacco in the water he commented, “Well, the man was sharing his bad luck with you too. That’s why you are having all these troubles.”
Mad Bear instructed the cab driver to take his ring off and put it on the table. The cab driver complied. Mad Bear called Michael Bastine over and said, “Take a look at this.” Strangely, there was a piece of tobacco that became waterlogged and sank to the bottom of the glass jar. Michael had never seen that happen before in any of Mad Bear’s readings. He said, “Wow, that’s pretty incredible.”
Mad Bear asked Michael, “Do you know where the cedar is stored? Go ahead; boil some water and throw some cedar in it. After the pot cooled down, Michael set the pot of cedar water down on the table in front of Mad Bear. Mad Bear said, “Watch this.” He picked up the ring from off the table and as he started to dip the ring into the cedar water, the waterlogged tobacco in the glass jar began to regain its buoyancy.
The deeper the ring was pushed down into the cedar water, at the same time and at the same speed, the waterlogged tobacco would correspond by rising upward and rejoining the other tobacco floating on top of the water in the glass jar.
In science, when something is waterlogged, the only way to regain buoyancy is to take the object out of the water and dry it out.
Mad Bear, as well as his mentors, like Peter Mitten & Eleazar Williams, would use medicine in ways which would not typically be standard practice. He had an incredible perception on how to use things & elements in an innovative way. When it came to protocol, Mad Bear must of figured that there were no rules in medicine saying that he can’t, so he proceeded to experiment and found that sometimes the medicine would respond favorably when he would deviate from traditional ways of healing. There were no reference points available to explain how his improvised doctoring worked; it just did.
The medicinal plant knowledge that Mad Bear had was beyond comprehension. For example, Michael Bastine recalled one walk he took with Mad Bear where he learned an incredible amount of information in just a single stroll through the woods. Mad Bear would always caution Michael on these walks by saying, “Just be careful. People learning plant medicine try to take too much in too quickly. My recommendation is to only learn 3 plants in a year. You need to know each plant’s life cycle throughout the year. You need to know everything about each plant you are studying. What does the plant look like when it sprouts? What is the best part of the medicine, such as the roots, the flowers or the stems? When is the best time to harvest? Is the plant to be used medicinally or for other purposes?”
Mad Bear also explained to Michael that plants have copy cats that appear to look the same, but actually contain properties that will have an opposite reaction to a person when applied medicinally. Mad Bear explained that you have to carefully observe plants in this case, to see small minute differences in their physical appearances.
Mad Bear said that some ailments are female ailments, and others are male ailments. Then you have to find the corresponding female or male plant to match. The whole process of harvesting medicine is very complex. Sometimes you don’t pick the root; you pick the leaves & stems. There are moon phases that need to be taken into consideration, the stage of life that the plant is in, what direction to approach the plant, etc.
Mad Bear was very protective of his plant medicine. He would talk in circles sometimes to avoid others from eavesdropping if his discussions involved medicine. If other medicine people, outside of a few insiders, would ask Mad Bear about a particular medicine treatment, which involved several plants, he would never give out the full recipe or the portions of his plant medicine. He was especially protective of allowing his medicinal plant knowledge to get into the hands of the F.D.A. or pharmaceutical drug companies who are not looking out for the public interest; instead their interests are on financial gain & corporate greed.
Today’s U.S. health care costs are at least 200 billion dollars a year and involves the costs of the drugs themselves, the injuries they cause and the appropriate law suits that follow. The perpetrators of this fraud are the pharmaceutical companies acting in tandem with the FDA, doctors paid under the table by “Big Pharma” and gullible doctors willing to write off-label prescriptions based on the hype they hear from “Big Pharma” sales reps.
Mad Bear’s prolific medicinal knowledge, as well as his knowledge in treaty law, prophecies, etc. can be attributed to his use of photographic memory, which we all possess but few have learned to acquire the skill of memorizing.
When Michael Bastine first met Mad Bear he would carry around a little note pad and he would write things down, take notes. Mad Bear didn’t say anything right away, but after the 4th or 5th visit he asked Michael, “What are you writing down? Michael said, “Items that I think are extremely important. Things that I really need to remember.” Mad Bear remarked in a humorous way, “Is there anything wrong with your brain?” Michael replied, “I don’t think so.” Mad Bear said, “Then use it! What if you lost that piece of paper? If it’s really important and you need to know it, then your brain will remember it. Let your brain do that!”
A key part to Mad Bear’s success in the medicine realm was that he knew to pay attention to all the minute details in life. Instead of jumping right in to tackle a situation, he would first strategize and make preparations.
Mad Bear observed the circular movements of nature (such as the seasons) and the stars (Astrology). These details had an influence over the way in which he would approach & perform certain activities. Michael Bastine referred to Mad Bear’s process as “stacking the deck cosmically”.
Some examples; years back around Winter Solstice, Mad Bear brought into his house a stray dog and observed its behavior. Before the solstice, this dog would circle in a counter clockwise direction before it would lie down. After the solstice, this dog would circle this time in a clockwise direction and then lie down.
There is a connection between the 10 day ceremony when someone passes or is born and the 10 days in which new born puppies, kittens, wolves, etc. don’t open their eyes. There is a time period in which a variance of going in between worlds comes into play. It’s like they are deciding if they are to stay in this world or go back. It’s the same with humans. That’s why in some cultures there was an old custom of not giving a name to a new born child until the 10th day. Or after someone passes, while in the spirit realm, a part of them sticks around on the Earth plane for 10 days and they go revisit everyone who they have met during their lifetime.
Mad Bear would observe the trees & plants to access the health (Orgone Energy) of the area in which they were growing in. He would watch their movements in the wind, their color & posture. If the trees bent down in despair, seeking their Earth Mother, like they did in Los Angeles, this was a sign that the air is polluted and the land is prone for earthquakes.
Psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich discovered “Orgone Energy” in the 1930’s, and understood it to be the “universal life force” behind all living things in the universe. Wilhelm’s work was shut down by the F.D.A. in 1954. Medicine men, like Mad Bear, as well as other medicine men, have always intuitively understood the concept of Orgone Energy and have applied this understanding to their native practice of medicine and of being caretakers for Mother Earth.
Many stories exist about Mad Bear’s ability to “travel without a suitcase”. It was well known to other medicine people that he could travel that way.
Mad Bear told his friend Ted Silverhand (Tuscarora), “I don’t know where I’m going sometimes. When I do get ready to go, I’ll be driving down the road and will pull over to the side of the road and I’m just gone, I leave, and then somebody else (one of his assistants) will drive the car back home.”
Mad Bear out east, when he traveled this way, would leave his key in the ignition, and then shortly after call from a payphone out in California or another remote location, requesting that his car be picked up.
Mad Bear was known to have bilocation abilities as well. People on the Tuscarora Reservation would see Mad Bear sitting on his porch, taking a nap. They would come back a little later to look for Mad Bear and he was nowhere to be found. Other people on the reservation would say, “Well, Mad Bear left on a trip. He wasn’t there.” But later that same day, Mad Bear would run into these same people and would give them a detailed accounts of things that were occurring many miles away at St. Regis, a 300 mile distance from Lewiston. During this same period of time, Mohawks reported seeing Mad Bear on their Akwesasne Reservation in St. Regis.
Did Mad Bear have the ability to shape-shift as a bear or an eagle? We do not know. Before the invention of the automobile, it was said that many medicine people would shape-shift to travel long distance.
Many myths & legends of Indians “traveling without a suitcase”, shape-shifting and becoming invisible (to dodge Cavalry gunfire) do exist. These stores may be possible if one considers that we may actually exist within a holographic reality. Our reality may actually be a lower density dream that we have collectively agreed to participate in. This is an ancient wisdom teaching & understanding, which is now beginning to be verified by Quantum Scientists who study the Quantum Universe.
On September 17, 2013, a physics breakthrough emerged that is so significant, so all-encompassing, it renders our existing worldview as irrelevant as the flat earth. Two physicists, Nima Arkani-Hamed & Jaroslav Trnka, essentially proved that space & time do not exist, at least not in the way we now think. What appears to be a visible universe, with a clearly defined past, present and future, is not real. The Universe is actually a holographic projection of a single geometric form, which these two physicists call "The Amplituhedron." If this is the case, it would mean that this projected geometric form is the originating fractal of all creation, of all the fractals in the cosmos. If this is the case, this could be the secret to traveling without a suitcase or shape-shifting.
Ted Silverhand, a Tuscarora Seer, remembers a time that he was with Rolling Thunder on the West Coast and R.T. had to get in touch with Mad Bear. Rolling Thunder went out on the balcony and lit his pipe to call Mad Bear in. 3 hours later there was a loud knock on the door. It was Mad Bear!
Rolling Thunder had this to say about his friend Mad Bear; “He has a reputation as a world traveler, and as someone who sometimes just disappears. Sometimes we’ll know where Mad Bear is, and sometimes we won’t. And sometimes he’s just not around, anywhere at all. Yet he can be reached. One medicine man reaches another in a spiritual way, in a way where there‘s no days or miles.”
What is known about Mad Bear is that he did a lot of work in dreamtime via Lucid Dreaming & Astral Projection (remote viewing) which is a common practice among medicine men and much science is available to verify this psychic phenomenon.
A “lucid dream” is an extremely vivid dream, where you are aware that you are dreaming. Once a lucid dream occurs, and the dreamer knows it, endless possibilities await.
When Mad Bear was asked a question or an issue was brought to his attention by someone who needed help, Mad Bear would say, “Well, I got to take some Dream Medicine.” Then he would find a place to lie down. It would appear that he was taking a nap. After he was done resting, he would come back to the person he was helping and give them the information he retrieved during his dreamtime.
Mad Bear became so efficient with his dreamtime medicine that he really didn’t have to travel much with his physical body to conduct his doctoring and information retrieval.
The concept of “astral projection” has been around for thousands of years, going back to the monks of India & China. It is an “out of body experience” that allows an individual as a spirit to roam freely from the body, outside of linear time, while they are in a semi-sleep or trance state.
Astral projection has been used by militaries to obtain enemy secrets. Army officer, Major Ed Dames, worked for Military Intelligence’s Remote Viewing Unit and was able to find everything from hidden biological weapons labs to missing P.O.W.’s.
The People’s Republic of China scientists, using very sensitive light-detecting devices were able to gage photon activity in a room that was being remotely viewed by someone in a distant remote area.
During the times when the remote viewer accurately described his “target” in the room, the number of photons in that room surged tremendously, 100 to 1000 times above the normal background level of “virtual photons”.
One example of Mad Bear’s ability in astral projection happened in August of 1977, when Doug Boyd lived in Topeka, Kansas, and had moved into a new house where he had an office & drop-in center for the Cross-Culture Studies Program. Mad Bear gave him a call from his Tuscarora home in New York. He told Doug, “I thought I’d drop in and pay a visit. So I went ahead and took my Dream Medicine.” Mad Bear went on to describe in detail Doug’s dining room, kitchen, the carpets, the chairs, his “puja” room upstairs, etc.
Mad Bear even had the ability to astro-project while awake & conscious. Michael Bastine shared an experience he witnessed with Mad Bear in this regard. He was on the road with Mad Bear, heading to a store to go shopping a few miles away from Mad Bear’s house. Then Mad Bear said, “Somebody just pulled into my driveway. Jeez.. I don’t recognize the car. Let’s go back.” Michael turned the car around and they headed back to Mad Bear’s house. Sure enough, there was a car in the driveway, a white Lincoln. A man got out of the car and Mad Bear instantly recognized him. It turned out that this man bought a new car and that is why Mad Bear didn’t recognize the car in his astral projection.
Michael commented that after a while, Mad Bear’s amazing astral projections and other psychic phenomena, like this new car incident, became so routine, that they lost their surprise value. Michael eventually stopped questioning the things Mad Bear would say & do, and began to develop a trust for the truths he was able to observe as his apprentice.
Mad Bear had a great ability to read people’s mind and to see into things. He was certainly telepathic. Anyone who has ever had contact with Mad Bear found that he would bring topics into the discussions, which they were holding in the back of their minds.
Mad Bear also had the ability to read the mind of a computer. Michael Bastine recalls that he once took Mad Bear to the phone company to obtain a new phone number. Mad Bear would change his phone numbers often, due to the many harassing & intimidating calls he would receive.
Prior to visiting the phone company, Mad Bear wrote a number down on the back of a matchbook, which is a number he wanted to use as his new phone number if it was available. He also wanted to make sure that this new number has been the longest out of use by anyone. Mad Bear passed the matchbook over to Michael for safekeeping.
After waiting for a while at the phone company, a worker brought out computer paper, the old kind with holes down the side. This worker said he found a number that has been out of use for more than a year and it was the oldest phone number available that they have on file. He showed Mad Bear & Michael the number. Mad Bear then asked Michael for the matchbook. Sure enough, it was the exact phone number that was selected on the computer paper. The worker looked “pretty darn funny”. He said there was no way Mad Bear could have looked that number up. Mad Bear said, “Of course I can. All I did was look it up, the same way you did, only a little more like a dream.”
Dr. Nikolai A. Kozyrev (1908-1983) made scientific discoveries that help explain the phenomenon of Telepathy. These discoveries were kept secret by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. It was only after the fall of the Iron Curtain that his discoveries were slowly revealed to the West.
Dr. Kozyrev discovered “Torsion Waves” which are not electromagnetic in nature and does not relate to gravity. This new form of energy is a spiraling non-Hertzian electromagnetic wave that travels through the vacuum at super-luminal speeds, a billion times faster than light.
Dr. Kozyrev found that human thoughts & feelings are generating torsion waves as well. He has been able to measure torsion waves that were caused by sudden human emotional changes. Dr. Kozyrev’s discovery proves that “consciousness” is related to ether vibrations.
Science is now beginning to understand that our very thoughts & emotions create “Torsion Waves” that travel at super-luminal speeds to the far ends of the universe. Torsion waves may become the physics for Telepathy. Since Torsion Waves can physically affect matter, it may also be the explanation for Psychokinesis, the ability to mentally change physical objects.
Mad Bear was a member of the Iroquois False Face Society via the Tonawanda Reservation. He had in his possession, 2 False Faces (Medicine Masks) that he kept at his home. He was a culture keeper, so he most likely had been entrusted with these 2 masks by the society.
Members of the False Face Society act as group spiritual healers, they are like the National Guard of the medicine people.
The False Face Society is very secretive and much of their medicine ways are kept internal. What we do know is that the False Face medicine masks are not ordinary masks. These masks have a life of their own; they are living spiritual entities that must be treated with great care & respect. Some False Faces even have hair that grows.
Putting these medicine masks into a glass museum display would be as cruel & senseless as putting a lion in a steel cage. It didn’t work out to well in the past when museums attempted to display False Face masks that they acquired through disreputable means. In one instance, these “caged” masks in a museum got restless & agitated and the glass displays started to crack.
They began moving around in the night, even trading places between themselves. The False Faces began to make distinctive disconcerting whistle calls and poltergeist activity occurred around them.
In another instance, on March 29th, 1911, the New York State Library on the 4th floor of the state capitol building in Albany had a disastrous fire. It was the 5th largest library in the world and it housed False Faces. After the fire was put out, much of the libraries finest books, state records and vast Native American artifacts collections were destroyed. The False Faces medicine masks were entirely untouched by the catastrophe.
Mad Bear took very good care of his 2 False Faces. He would caution guests to behave well around them. He would even on occasion conduct ceremony to calm these medicine masks down when their energies would stir up for various reasons.
Michael Bastine temporarily took care of Mad Bear’s 2 False Faces in 1979. Mad Bear was weak from psychic attacks that were directed towards him due to his unity work. He left Tuscan, Arizona, and after meeting with Michael at his Tuscarora home he traveled to Akwesasne to stay with Chief Tom Porter (Mohawk). There he received healing from his medicine friends on the reservation. Michael followed Mad Bear’s exact protocol for the caretaking of these masks. Mad Bear informed the 2 False Faces of the temporary change in guardianship. The transfer of care with these 2 False Faces was a gesture of respect & trust between Mad Bear (the Elder) & Michael (the apprentice) in both directions.
“Little People” (Elves) have been part of the folklore for many cultures in human history, including Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Greece, the Philippines, the Hawaiian Islands, Flores Island, Indonesia and Native Americans in the United States. The Iroquois, have legends regarding a race of "little people" who lived in the woods near sandy hills and sometimes near rocks located along large bodies of water, such as the Great Lakes.
Many of these indigenous cultures have identified mythical locations of highly charged geomagnetic anomalies, where psychic phenomena are prone to occur. The Iroquois territory seems to be a hotbed for these occurrences.
To Iroquois medicine people & story tellers, Little People are powerful & real, to be revered as forces of the natural world. These spiritual beings are envisioned as humanlike “devas” somewhere between the status of human beings and that of the spirits or the gods. They are known to materialize and dematerialize. Little People are tricky and they like to play with children. They will assist older humans if the proper protocol of respect & ceremony is performed.
Few Iroquois today will talk openly about their ancient mysticism, especially in regards to the Little People since they are among the most sacred & private traditions of the 6 Nations people.
The topic of Little People should be no surprise, considering the Quantum Universe & Galactic Timepiece that we are all living in and experiencing. Not to mention, the many archeological skeletal findings of little people (very small bone structure) & giants, which academia refuses to acknowledge and is not permitted to disclose.
The seeds of Mad Bear’s medicine path were planted by his grandmother, who was a caretaker to the young Mad Bear and his many siblings (a large family). His dad passed away in accident when Wallace “Mad Bear” Anderson was around five years old. Eventually, step brothers & sisters were added to the family unit.
Mad Bear’s family was basically Christians who also had some affinity with “traditional” values, like many on the reservation. Mad Bear’s grandmother would take him with while she would collect “medicine”. She was a practitioner of traditional medicine. She did a lot of close work with the young Wallace Anderson and observed his mannerisms, his unique characteristics and basic nature.
His grandmother gave Wallace the nickname of “Mad Bear”, based on her observance of him. The Tuscarora people had no existing longhouse at the time, so there was no official practice of Tuscarora Indian name ceremonies. Thus, Wallace’s “Mad Bear” name was not an Indian name. It was strictly a nickname that stuck with Wallace his whole life. Ironically, his physical appearance & personality closely resembled a bear as well.
Wallace’s grandmother would often say to him as he was growing up and often getting into trouble, “Doggonit… Wallace! Every time you get into a conflict or an argument you act like a little mad bear.” So it was his innocent childlike misbehavior as a kid that gave him the permanent label of “Mad Bear”.
While accompanying his grandmother on her medicine collecting excursions into the woods, she would on occasions drop the young Wallace off on his own by an escarpment (steep slope) were there was divots of stone. Water would collect there. She told him that there would be “playmates” who would meet him there. They did! They were the Little People.
At first Wallace would notice the water rippling, without there being wind and no one else around. Then the water, out of the divots, would start to splash accompanied by “little voices”. Wallace questioned his grandmother about his playmates and she said, “Those are the “Little People. I told you that they would come out and spend time with you.”
In the beginning stages, Wallace was not too friendly with the Little People and he would growl at them like a little bear. This was another reason why his grandmother nicknamed him “Mad Bear”.
These encounters with the Little People and his grandmother’s influence did indeed plant a seed in Mad Bear’s medicine path, but it would take years for him to actively seek out this path. First, he had to explore puberty and the trails & tribulations of adolescence.
On a few rare occasions, Mad Bear would allow a few of his close confidants, like Michael Bastine & Doug Boyd, to take a peek at a tiny human skull that he kept in a small, purple, plastic box on a closet shelf. This skull had a complete set of teeth and its cranium was the size of a ping-pong ball.
Mad Bear would not give much detail about the little human skull. He said it was part of a cache containing other tiny bones & artifacts that were found in the 1820’s during the digging of the Erie Canal, near Syracuse. The tiny human bones caused a 12-man crew of excavators to run like mad from the spot and probably retire from the business of excavating.
The collection made its way into the hands of the Onondaga and the tiny skull of the Little People ended up with Mad Bear a couple of generations later for safe keeping & cultural preservation. On rare occasions, Mad Bear would use the tiny skull in ceremony.
In the early 1970’s, Mad Bear received a call from a friend of his in the Pentagon who had heard from the Smithsonian Museum that there were some disturbing activity with the N.A.S.A. acquired Moon Rocks. This friend explained that the Moon Rocks were growing, and they were expanding so fast they were breaking the cases that they were stored in.
Mad Bear said that this is some of the danger with the technologies that the people have today. They don’t think about the consequences of their actions and they don’t bring the sacred into any of the activities that they are doing. N.A.S.A.’s approach in dealing with the moon was strictly from a scientific position. This was incorrect! They thought that they owned the moon and could take whatever they wanted from it. At the very least, they should have made an offering in exchange for what they took.
Now Mad Bear was being called in to remedy the situation. He had an in-depth conversation with his friend on the phone and most likely made a few phone calls and took corrective ceremonial actions to address the grave mistake that N.A.S.A. had made. The ceremony would have been focused on appeasing & welcoming the Moon Rocks to their new surroundings and showing them gratitude for the elements of life that they bear.
Ironically, the U.S. government has no problems eradicating the practice of Native Medicine, but it will not hesitate to call in a medicine doctor when it suits their needs.
Mad Bear was an Earth empath. An empath typically absorbs energy & emotions from the people, places and things around them. Earth empaths pick up energies from the Mother Earth herself, and earthquake related headaches & illnesses are not uncommon. This is "geosentience", which is clairsentience for Earth energies.
A geosentient or Earth empath picks up the pain of the Earth, which is going through a lot of discomfort at this present time. There is also a great deal of emotional turmoil going on with humanity as a whole, and these intense emotions also affect the Earth & weather patterns.
When Doug Boyd and Mad Bear were in Los Angeles for a few speaking engagements, Mad Bear one morning, at 5AM, rang Doug’s hotel room and requested to talk to him over coffee. Doug met with him and noticed that Mad Bear looked groggy & exhausted. Mad Bear told Doug that he had to leave immediately. Doug didn’t really understand the urgency and reminded Mad Bear that he has made a few commitments that have already been scheduled. Mad Bear replied, “Doug, you don’t get it. I’m dying here, can you understand that? I only got a few hours to live! I was trying to handle this without scaring you. Either I leave or I die.”
Mad Bear was able to immediately vacate the Los Angeles area, just in time to avoid an earthquake that hit the Southern California region.
Michael Bastine’s neighbor worked for the power lines company and he did not like to work on power lines inside the Tuscarora Reservation because of Mad Bear. It turned out that there were disagreements between the Tuscarora people and the power line company over a project that they were preparing for the reservation. Once the power line company was spoken to and they refused to cooperate, the Tuscarora’s fought back via the use of Mad Bear’s medicine.
The power line project ran into unexpected obstacles, including baffling malfunctions with the power line company’s equipment. When a bulldozer was touched by an eagle feather, along with a prayer in Tuscarora, it would not run again and had to be junked.
When the power lines were finally up, the power wouldn’t flow between two of the towers, though no perceptible flaws in the system could be detected. The crews working on the power lines were also getting spooked, seeing apparitions around them in the trees. Many crew members chose to quit the company rather than work at the troubled Tuscarora site.
When Mad Bear was called to “clear” a house of unwanted or negative elements, he would use cedar for his smudging ceremonies. He made sure that children & pets were out of the house. He also would make sure that a door or a window would be left open just a crack.
Once in South Buffalo, Mad bear forgot to leave open the airways and towards the end of his smudging session the smoke from his smudging forced its way up an attic, lifting a trap door and completely blowing out a window, along with its frame.
Mad Bear, like many other great medicine men, had the ability to call in the rain. This ceremony was done for various purposes. Mad Bear would say that the proper way for a council to open is through “a soft female rain. An opening rain! It works like purification and a blessing for the council.”
Mad Bear indeed brought the rain in for the Council Grove conference in Kansas that he & Doug Boyd attended in 1976. At his lecture, Mad Bear also brought attention to the fact that the conference opened with a gentle female rain and then he explained its role in “opening” the conference. Mad Bear also gave them the forewarning, that even though the weather looks fine now, it will rain “cats & dogs” at the close of the conference. He said that it will be a “male” rain, just the way a rain is supposed to come after the close of council.
At the close of the Council Grove conference a heavy rain did come. It actually rained “cats & dogs” as Mad Bear predicted.
At the “Gathering of Nations” Unity Caravan event in August, 1972, Mad Bear addressed the local audience, many of which who were Mormon and said, “The Great Spirit will send a gentle rain upon you the day after we leave here.” When Mad Bear and the Unity Caravan left, and on the following afternoon, the Great Spirit did indeed send the gentle rain as promised. The second day, a very beautiful double rainbow came with the gentle rain in the east.
Besides having the physical features of a bear, Mad Bear had a fun & childlike approach towards enjoying life, and at times could be quite humorous, like “Yogi Bear”. He made people laugh and feel at ease. He was comic relief. Mad Bear’s appeal was universal and his smile was infectious & irresistible. He energized people! And kept the energy flowing.
The Japanese monk, named Jison, who briefly interacted with Mad Bear & Doug Boyd in New York & Kansas, referred to Mad Bear as being, “Old like an ancestor and plays like a boy.”
Doug Boyd referred to Mad Bear’s medicine being “empathy”. Combine empathy with humor and you have a winning formula.
Even science researchers now believe that laughing causes the body to release beneficial chemicals called endorphins, which counteract the effects of stress hormones and cause blood vessels to dilate. In a similar manner, laughing boosts the immune system and reduces inflammation, which is thought to increase the risk of various health problems.
According to Doug Boyd, Mad Bear was a bridge maker. His real work was relationships & friendships.
Typically, medicine people are reclusive, even among their own tribe. They would not normally travel all over the place, meet people, give talks and organize. Mad Bear did all that!
Up until Mad Bear’s time, medicine work was not out in the open due to the repression medicine people potentially faced by the government & B.I.A. agents who denied them their rights to Native American spirituality. Medicine Men who shared their medicine with non-Indians were also targeted by some of their own Native people who opposed cooperation with the “white man”. Mad Bear defiantly organized to turn the tide and bring Indian spirituality out into the open, backed by inter-tribal unity.
Mad Bear’s medicine traveled around the world. By 1967, at age 39 he already traveled around the globe 8 times as a Merchant Marine. Through his many travels he was able to observe many medicine practices and he was able to incorporate these understandings into his own medicine.
Outside of healing injuries & illnesses, Mad Bear’s real work was relationships & conflict resolution. He wanted to break the ice between the divisions that separate people, and he used the teachings of the Great Peacemaker, Deganawida, to do just that. Mad Bear’s rolodex of personal friends, celebrities & acquaintances was enormous.
He utilized these connections to build the “American Indian Unity Movement”, a name that Mad Bear gave to his overall unity work that encompassed his many attempts to build unity coalitions & united fronts.
Unique to Mad Bear, was his ability to not only operate on a micro level of healing individuals and working with the elements within a localized time and place, he was blessed with the ability to work on a macro level to affect the consciousness paradigm of a whole people. Not only did Mad Bear spark an Indian Unity Movement for the Red Man, he envisioned a cross-cultural program that would unite all races of man. That vision is now manifesting in the present. Mad Bear was truly one of the greatest medicine men of our time. He was an “American” pioneer, deeply rooted to Turtle Island and firmly connected to his Earth Mother.
[Post by Mackboogaloo]
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Recommended books on Native American Spirituality
“You were chosen to be a Medicine man long before you came into this body on this Earth. You have a duty and a responsibility to follow the calling. If not you will hurt your family, your people, and the spiritual function and design of the Universe. Sure, it’s a tough life. Your own Indian people will make fun of you, they will talk bad about you; they will probably even call you a phony or something. But the Great Creator Knows, The Mother Earth knows, your relations in Nature knows, the numerous people from all walks of life you will help, heal and teach will know; and you will know. That is all that really matters. And when things get tough in life you will just have to grin and bear it. That is one of the ways for a true Medicine Man. You take on the suffering, the fear, the hate, the anger, the pain, the confusion, and the sickness of the people. That is why you are different. And you can’t run and hide from it. You were put here on the Earth to do a job for the Great Creator. Like it or not, you’ve got to be strong and just do it.”
Today the image of the Native American medicine man or women is a media icon, often romanticized by Hollywood, with idolized characteristics of being respected, impressive, patient, transcendent & nearly omniscient. This can be the case, but these people are still human and they have flaws like all humans do. Author Doug Boyd, who wrote books on Mad Bear (1994) and his west coast medicine companion, Rolling Thunder (1974), made a life study devoted to long-range investigations of traditional & esoteric ideologies. He knew very well what differentiated the iconic medicine man from the real McCoy.
Doug Boyd (1935-2006) was a close friend to both Mad Bear & Rolling Thunder (R.T.). He traveled all over the world and was a student & friend of adepts & healers of many traditions & cultures. Doug possessed incisive wit and was a master storyteller. He could share personal tales of telepathic experiences & communication, rainmaking & psychic healing from his many years of experience working with and learning from culturally diverse yogis (like Swami Rama), monks, psychic healers, and medicine people. He was a student of some, a mentor to many, and a friend to more.
A good place to start, to grasp the role of a medicine person and the road he or she must travel, is Doug Boyd’s combined books on Mad Bear & Rolling Thunder. These classic biographies paint a definitive picture, in short and in brief. Of course, it would take many books & years of study & sacrifice to learn the intangible secret art behind the medicine craft.
Rolling Thunder’s medicine in many ways was complimentary to Mad Bear’s and they were very close friends & allies to the end. They sometimes traveled together, giving lectures & doctoring others. Mad Bear & R.T. even went to Australia together to speak at a conference.
Rolling Thunder was about 10 years older, so he was a mentor to Mad Bear, although in many ways they were equals on the medicine path.
Rolling Thunder’s grandfather was a traditional Cherokee chief. R.T. early on learned medicine from Amoneeta Sequoyah, the last grandfather herbalist of the Eastern Band of Cherokees.
Later on in Nevada, he learned more medicine from 2 renowned teachers in Nevada, Silver Wolf & Phillip Grey Horse. Even later, he received additional teachings from Frank Fools Crow (Oglala Lakota), Amoneeta Sequoyah (Aminitus Sepuoia) and David Monongye (Hopi). Once Rolling Thunder married Spotted Fawn (Shoshone), his 2nd wife, he began to learn the medicine ways of the Shoshone as well.
Around 1966, Rolling Thunder, Semu Huaute (Chumash), Craig Carpenter (Mohawk) and occasionally, Thomas Banyacya (Hopi) & Mad Bear, in recognition of the Whirling Rainbow Prophecy, reached out to the hippie counterculture emerging in San Francisco & Los Angeles. This also attracted the support of the Grateful Dead, Bob Dylan, Joan Baez and other cultural icons of the late 60’s.
It was Doug Boyd’s book on “Rolling Thunder” and the appeal of his native (Algonquin) Catholic parents that persuaded Michael Bastine, in 1976, to skip out on his attempted conversion to Pentecostalism, and become an apprentice for Mad Bear so he could learn the traditional Indian ways.
There are additional books written on Rolling Thunder’s incredible journey that expand upon Doug’s work and indirectly provide greater insight on the discipline that Mad Bear must have followed in order to obtain the high degree of proficiency that he was able to display with indigenous medicine.
Dr. Stanley Krippner & Sidian Morning Star Jones (R.T.’s grandson) wrote “The Voice of Rolling Thunder”. R.T. himself, along with his last wife, Carmen Sun Rising Pope, wrote, “Rolling Thunder Speaks”. In this book, R.T., in his own words, referred to Mad Bear as being “one of his greater teachers”. This was quite a compliment!
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Learning Indian Medicine from ROLLING THUNDER (Cherokee)
This free E-Book represents a youth's guide (teaching manual) to Native American spirituality via a dialog (interview) between an elder & youth. Based upon interview transcripts & write-ups on the traditional elder... Rolling Thunder (Cherokee)
Now available in print or on Kindle via
Rolling Thunder aka RT was a Native American Indian medicine man, spiritual leader, philosopher, and acknowledged spokesman and inter-tribal shaman for the Cherokee and Shoshone tribes.
RT served as a consultant to the popular films Billy Jack (1971), and its sequel, Billy Jack II (1972).
RT’s way of life as a powerful healer, teacher, and activist gave him widespread fame following the films. Internationally known, Rolling Thunder's spiritual counsel and tribal skills were sought on a regular basis by many in the entertainment industry. Rolling Thunder was among the first ever to be studied by mainstream institutions and undergo many laboratory tests to determine the authenticity of his shamanic skills.
It had been said that RT’s powers over the elements of nature surpassed any seen in recent times. Reports of Rolling Thunder's ability to "make rain" on a clear day, to heal disease and wounds, to transport or teleport objects through the air, and his telepathic skills were legendary until he agreed to submit himself to testing. His abilities have been investigated and documented by such organizations as the Menninger Foundation.
Rolling Thunder was an advocate for Native American rights, as well as for ecological harmony. RT traveled widely and was in great demand worldwide for his insight and teachings. He himself joked that he had to make it rain and thunder "in order to clean the polluted air" before he spoke in a new city.
Speaking before spiritual, ecological, psychological, and healing gatherings, Rolling Thunder participated in conferences sponsored by the Association for Research and Enlightenment (Edgar Cayce's Foundation), the Menninger Foundation, the East West Academy of the Healing Arts, the Stockholm United Nations Conference on the Environment, the World Conference of Spiritual Leaders of the United Nations, and the World Humanity Conference in Vancouver, B.C., among others.
Often controversial, and regarded even militant at times, Rolling Thunder was known for being outspoken and "telling it like it is." "The Great Spirit guides me to tell people what they need to know, not what they want to know," he often said. Never making claims for his special powers, he reminded those who called him a medicine man, or who spoke of his healing abilities, that "All power belongs to the Great Spirit." Then he would add, "You call him God."
In response to the charges of RT being militant, Rolling Thunder said, "Yes, I'm a militant. So was your great healer they call Jesus Christ."
[Post by Mackboogaloo]
This E-Book documents an extraordinary personal story about a daughter (ShaHaWin Lightfoot) discovering who her real father is…. Rolling Thunder (Cherokee medicine healer, teacher, activist). A true testament to the power of Native American spirituality.
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Signs come in many sizes, shapes & colors. Mad Bear and other medicine people like him have great intuitive abilities to identify these signs that appear in nature and that are foretold in prophecies of the past. Mad Bear was quite aware of the signs that correlated to the realization of the Whirling Rainbow Prophecy. The White Buffalo Prophecy was realized almost a decade after Mad Bear had passed and its ramifications are similar to those of the Whirling Rainbow Prophecy. Both reinforce the necessity of Spiritual Activism at this time of chaos & confusion.
To understand the White Buffalo prophecy one needs to get briefly familiar with the White Buffalo Woman Calf story. Ruth Hopkins (Sioux) wrote a blog about this story and the significance of the White Buffalo.
“The white buffalo calf holds special significance to American Indians.” “It is a crucial part of the teachings and prophecy of White Buffalo Calf Woman, the white buffalo calf is considered a sacred omen of change.”
“According to legend, the White Buffalo Calf Woman was a holy entity that visited the Oceti Sakowin (Sioux) over a four day period. She taught them sacred ceremonies, songs, and dances. She gifted the people with a sacred bundle containing the White Buffalo Calf Pipe, which still exists to this day and is kept by Chief Arvol Looking Horse of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe. Upon appearing and leaving, the White Buffalo Calf Woman changed into a white buffalo calf, then changed in color from white to black, to yellow, and finally, red. Prophetically, it is said that the White Buffalo Calf Woman will return at the end of an age, and she will appear as a white buffalo calf.”
On August 20, 1994, a “white” buffalo, not an albino, named “Miracle” was born on a farm near Janesville, Wisconsin. She was considered to be the 1st white buffalo born since 1933 and she appeared at the end of the Pisces Age. White Buffalos are extremely rare. Floyd Hand (Oglala Sioux Medicine Man) equated Miracle as being “the return of White Buffalo Calf Woman” and per the White Buffalo Prophecy she is a sign marking “the arrival of a new era of reconciliation among races and respect for the Earth.”
Chief Arvol Looking Horse (Sioux), 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Woman’s Pipe, made a similar pubic pronouncement affirming that Miracle is a “symbol of hope and renewal for humanity and for harmony between all peoples, all races, in our world today.”
David Swallow (Teton Oglala Lakota), traditional spiritual leader from the Pine Ridge Reservation made several comments about Miracle as well. "The birth of this calf symbolizes this, that evil will be destroyed.” He further said, “It is time that the white nations and all mainstream cultures return to living in a good way, in peace and harmony with each other and with Grandmother Earth. Only by doing so, will life continue in our world."
Since Miracle’s birth in 1994, a statistically unusual amount of White Buffalo calves have continued to be born. If we acknowledge these signs as being sacred and take heed to the prophecy behind them, we have a chance at restoring peace & harmony to the planet. If we proceed to ignore these signs, and not change our destructive ways, we are warned that the Earth will be destroyed.
An interesting sign of the White Buffalo did appear during Mad Bear’s time and connects the Whirling Rainbow Prophecy with the White Buffalo Prophecy in a strange & “far-out” kind of way.
A historic “hippie gathering” in 1972, inspired by the 1969’s Woodstock Festival, was organized in Granby, Colorado, as a “Rainbow Gathering” to celebrate the awakening of youth culture and their connection to Mother Earth. Many people that came to this event, faced police roadblocks and the possibility of committing acts of civil disobedience in order to converge on National Forrest Land. They were eventually granted access.
Manitonquat aka Medicine Story (Wampanoag) attended the 1st Rainbow Gathering and he gave this amazing account;
“More than twenty thousand people came to that first gathering, and everyone was treated with respect. It was wonderful. One night it rained. The next day, when we came out in the meadow, we saw that a huge patch of white snow on the side of the mountain that faced us had been eaten away and carved into the perfect shape of a white buffalo. People began to cheer and sing, and many of them wept joyfully.”
“Then, starting at midnight on the third of July, everybody began a walk over the eight miles to Table Mountain. All night long that line moved in silence, carrying candles and torches. At dawn, thousands of people stood still upon the mountain, people who had come from all over the world to be together and share that moment, to watch the sun rise on a new day, a new people, a new world.”
“People stayed together all day on that mountain. We fasted and stayed in silence until, sometime after noon, someone started singing an Arapaho chant. All of us took up that chant to honor the traditional caretakers of that land. When we left that gathering, everyone had the feeling that something very important had happened, and was happening all over the world.”
Something was happening and continues today! We have been given the signs! There is hope! We have a choice! The time to act is now!
[Post by Mackboogaloo]
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“We have much to share, one tradition with the other. The day is here when my people, and all people, must look beyond the affairs of the Red or White race and consider the Human Race. Having traveled many times around the world, I can only conclude that we are truly One people who could only benefit by meeting together to work out the solutions to the benefit of all, including the many creatures, birds, animals and plant life which were given to us by the Great Spirit, the Creator of all.”
“We must all share in the wisdom teachings & instructions of our ancestors who knew & practiced the secrets that kept our sacred Earth Mother clean and in balance & good health.”
-Mad Bear
“Mad Bear often said that the most important single thing we can each do is respect & maintain the traditions of all people.”
“He envisioned the coming together of all races & colors of the world as critical for forging a sustainable planetary future.”
“In Mad Bear’s view, the human race now has the opportunity to recognize its collective wisdom, spiritual traditions, sciences and technologies to create a new & humane world. He believed that the safety of all people could only come through sharing, mutual protection and respect for all cultural traditions.”
- Tim Ballingham (Mad Bear’s apprentice)
Elder (Tuscarora/6 Nations) Mad Bear’s pinnacle life accomplishment was the September 1978 Cross-Cultural Spiritual Summit Conference that he & Doug Boyd co-created. This gathering, the first of its kind, brought together medicine people from all 4 directions. It was Mad Bear’s vision to create this conference as a platform where prophecies & myth from all cultures would be shared & compared.
This Cross-Cultural conference differed from the “Gathering of Indian Brothers”, since it also openly bridged the indigenous wisdom teachers with the so-called non-natives/non-indigenous people of European descent who also held wisdom teachings of their own. It was also open to all indigenous medicine people who were not American Indian. This coming together, a full & complete mending of the Sacred Hoop was prophesized via the “Whirling” Rainbow Prophecy, a prophecy which many tribes share in common.
“There will come a day when people of all races, colors and creeds will put aside their differences. They will come together in love, joining hands in unification, to heal the Earth and all her children. They will move over the Earth like a great Whirling Rainbow, bringing peace, understanding and healing everywhere they go. Many creatures thought to be extinct or mythical will resurface at this time; the great trees that perished will return almost overnight. All living things will flourish, drawing sustenance from the breast of our Mother, the Earth.”
“The great spiritual teachers who walked the Earth and taught the basics of the truths of the Whirling Rainbow Prophecy will return and walk amongst us once more, sharing their power and understanding with all. We will learn how to see and hear in a sacred manner. Men and women will be equals in the way Creator intended them to be; all children will be safe anywhere they want to go. Elders will be respected and valued for their contributions to life. Their wisdom will be sought out. The whole human race will be called The People and there will be no more war, sickness or hunger forever.”
– Navajo & Hopi prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow
When author Jamie Sams lived in Mexico and worked with the Grandmothers (Dreamtime Buffalo Society or Sisterhood) they acknowledged that “the prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow was very specific. When the Time of the White Buffalo approaches, the third generation of the White Eyes' children will grow their hair and speak of love as the healer of the Children of the Earth. These children will seek new ways of understanding themselves and others. They will wear feathers and beads and paint their faces. They will seek the Elders of the Red Race and drink their wisdom. These white-eyed children will be a sign that the Ancestors are returning in white bodies, but they are Red on the inside. They will learn to walk with the Earth Mother in balance again and reform the ideas of the white chiefs.”
Jamie further commented, “The generation of Flower Children have moved through this part of the prophecy and some have remained on the Sacred Path. Others were lost for a while and are now returning to the natural way of being. Some were disillusioned and have forgotten the high ideals that gave them life when their hearts were young, but others still are waking up & quickening into remembering.”
Jamie recalls Grandmother Cisi (Kiowa) referring to the beginning of this Fifth World as “the wobbly pony” that on being born would try to use his legs. She said that the wobble would be felt by the Earth Mother and the changes would occur in the soil and the waters. Inside the Children of the Earth, the wobble would create rolling emotions and feelings that would bring the quickening and the remembering.
Colorful dreams would be brought into the Sleep time and Dreamtime dreams of these newborn Warriors of the Rainbow and they would begin to learn how to walk in balance. The changes in our Earth Mother would create fear in her children, which would later lead to the understanding and unity of our planet; creating One People.”
Both Cisi & Grandmother Berta (also Kiowa) talked about the change in feelings the Children of the Earth would have during the wobble or healing process as the Whirling Rainbows permeated their dreams. They said, “Many will remember their purpose for being on this Earth walk and will learn to develop their gifts to assist the whole of humanity. Truth will shatter the bonds of separation and goodness will prevail. Some details of Earth changes will come into the dreams of those who are being warned to move where they will be safe.
Others will be told that their talents will be needed in areas where the changes occur. Everyone will have to trust their personal vision and follow their hearts in order to assist the whole. Each individual person will be able to use their gifts with joy and share equally in the bounty created by all those working together.”
Chief Crazy Horse (Oglala Sioux) was quoted as saying the following words as he sat smoking the Sacred Pipe with Sitting Bull for the last time, four days before he was assassinated in September 1877.
“The Red Nation shall rise again and it shall be a blessing for a sick world. A world filled with broken promises, selfishness and separations. A world longing for light again. I see a time of Seven Generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the Sacred Tree of Life and the whole Earth will become one circle again. In that day, there will be those among the Lakota who will carry knowledge and understanding of unity among all living things and the young white ones will come to those of my people and ask for this wisdom. I salute the light within your eyes where the whole Universe dwells. For when you are at that center within you and I am that place within me, we shall be one.”
-Chief Crazy Horse (Oglala Sioux)
Here are numerous examples of the Rainbow related Prophecies given by the Elders of various tribes.
“In the time of the Seventh Fire, a New People would emerge. They would retrace their steps to find the wisdom that was left by the side of the trail long ago. Their steps would take them to the Elders, who they would ask to guide them on their journey. If the New People remain strong in their quest, the sacred drum will again sound its voice.”
“There will be an awakening of the people, and the sacred fire will again be lit. At this time, the light-skinned race will be given a choice between two roads. One road is the road of greed and technology without wisdom or respect for life. This road represents a rush to destruction. The other road is spirituality, a slower path that includes respect for all living things.”
“If we choose the spiritual path, we can light yet another fire, an Eight Fire, and begin an extended period of Peace and healthy growth.”
-Grandfather William Commanda (Algonquin)
“As Native Americans, we believe the Rainbow is a sign from the Spirit in all things. It is a sign of the union of all people, like one big family. The unity of all humanity, many tribes and peoples, is essential.”
-Thomas Banyacya (Hopi)
“This difficult time has seen the beginning of a new nation of multi-colored beings. The seeds of the four directions have mixed together to create the first Rainbow people. It is written in time and in the memory of the Indian peoples that our sun will rise again, that we will be able to re-establish our culture: its arts, sciences, mathematics and religion. Mayan knowledge will come forward again. It is for this reason that we, of the Amerindian communities, are once again uniting to reestablish our entire culture.”
- Hunbatz Men (Mayan Elder/Daykeeper)
“There is truth in the prophecies of the Rainbow and the Rainbow people. People from all of the Americas will unite with people from all the other nations, and they will realize that we are all family, brothers and sisters.”
“This is not my personal vision, but the cosmic vision presented by all the Elders, a vision that we all share.”
- Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez aka Wandering Wolf (Maya)
“Among the few who possess inner strength to resist the mass unconsciousness will rise a new neo-indigenous people. Prophecies foretell of a people who will rise from earth’s ashes like the Thunderbird, symbolizing rebirth. They will bring balance and harmony back to Mother Earth. The first of these beings will come as teachers & storytellers to remind us of ancient truths of the star people and beyond. They will be pathfinders leading the way to a new universe, a new reality. Great leaders, Warriors & Shamans of many nations will be born and they will cleanse the earth for rebirth.”
“Next will come the Planters sowing seeds of truth, justice & freedom. The Storytellers, Warriors & Planters will live in the way of the Great Spirit and teach ways to keep Mother of the Ground sacred forevermore. They will be called Rainbow Warriors for they will gather the four sacred directions, all distinctly separate but forever connected in the Circle of Life.”
- Lee Standing Bear Moore (Cherokee, Manataka American Indian Council)
"This is the 8th Sign:
You will see many youth,
who wear their hair long (hippies) like my people,
come and join the tribal nations
to learn their ways & wisdom.”
- White Feather (Hopi)
“As a tree in the forest needs all the organisms in its interdependent ecosystem to survive, likewise the human race requires intricate cultural diversity to survive in a healthy way.”
- Tim Ballingham (Mad Bear’s apprentice)
A detailed Rainbow Prophecy was told by “Eyes of Fire” an old & wise Cree woman from a century ago.
One day, because of the white mans' or Yo-ne-gis' greed, there would come a time, when the Earth is being ravaged and polluted, the forests being destroyed, and the birds would fall from the air, the waters would be blackened, the fish would be poisoned in the streams, and the trees would no longer be. Mankind as we would know it would all but cease to exist. There would come a time when the keepers of the legend, stories, culture rituals, and myths, and all the Ancient Tribal Customs would be needed to restore us to health, making the Earth green again. They would be mankind's key to survival; they were the "Warriors of the Rainbow". There would come a day of awakening when all the peoples of all the tribes would form a New World of Justice, Peace, Freedom and recognition of the Great Spirit.
The "Warriors of the Rainbow" would spread these messages and teach all peoples of the Earth or "Elohi". They would teach them how to live the "Way of the Great Spirit". They would tell them of how the world today has turned away from the Great Spirit and that is why our Earth is "sick".
The "Warriors of the Rainbow" would show the peoples that this "Ancient Being" (the Great Spirit), is full of love and understanding, and teach them how to make the Earth or “Elohi" beautiful again. These Warriors would give the people principles or rules to follow to make their path right with the world. These principles would be those of the Ancient Tribes. The Warriors of the Rainbow would teach the people of the ancient practices of Unity, Love and Understanding. They would teach of Harmony among people in all four corners of the Earth.
Like the Ancient Tribes, they would teach the peoples how to pray to the Great Spirit with love that flows like the beautiful mountain stream, and flows along the path to the ocean of life. Once again, they would be able to feel joy in solitude and in councils. They would be free of petty jealousies and love all mankind as their brothers, regardless of color, race or religion. They would feel happiness enter their hearts, and become as one with the entire human race. Their hearts would be pure and radiate warmth, understanding and respect for all mankind, Nature and the Great Spirit.
They would once again fill their minds, hearts, souls, and deeds with the purest of thoughts. They would seek the beauty of the Master of Life, the Great Spirit! They would find strength and beauty in prayer and the solitude of life.
Their children would once again be able to run free and enjoy the treasures of Nature and Mother Earth. Free from the fears of toxins and destruction, wrought by the Yo-ne-gi and his practices of greed.
The rivers would again run clear, the forests would be abundant and beautiful, the animals and birds would be replenished. The powers of the plants and animals would again be respected and conservation of all that is beautiful would become a way of life.
The poor, sick and needy would be cared for by their brothers and sisters of the Earth. These practices would again become a part of their daily lives.
The leaders of the people would be chosen in the old way, not by their political party, or who could speak the loudest, boast the most, or by name calling or mud-slinging, but by those whose actions spoke the loudest. Those who demonstrated their love, wisdom and courage and those who showed that they could and did work for the good of all, would be chosen as the leaders or chiefs.
They would be chosen by their "quality" and not the amount of money they had obtained. Like the thoughtful and devoted "Ancient Chiefs", they would understand the people with love, and see that their young were educated with the love and wisdom of their surroundings. They would show them that miracles can be accomplished to heal this world of its ills, and restore it to health and beauty.
The tasks of these "Warriors of the Rainbow" are many and great. There will be terrifying mountains of ignorance to conquer and they shall find prejudice and hatred. They must be dedicated, unwavering in their strength, and strong of heart. They will find willing hearts and minds that will follow them on this road of returning Mother Earth to beauty and plenty, once more.
The day will come, it is not far away!
The day that we shall see how we owe our very existence to the people of all tribes that have maintained their culture and heritage. Those that have kept the rituals, stories, legends and myths alive. It will be with this knowledge, the knowledge that they have preserved, that we shall once again return to "harmony" with Nature, Mother Earth and mankind. It will be with this knowledge that we shall find our Key to our Survival.
-Eyes of Fire (Cree)
The legend of the Rainbow Warriors is quintessentially American; however the general concept of a coming Golden Age and the unity of people is a global understanding.
In Steven McFadden’s book, “Legend of the Warrior Rainbow”, he talks about William Commanda (Algonguin Elder) being keeper of the “Primstaven”, a carved wooded staff from the Vikings that was given to the Indian people more than a thousand years ago. The Primstaven describes prophecies of the Viking people which essentially assert that “although different people have different ways of understanding it, there is only one Creator, and all people, no matter their color or their religious traditions, come from this Creator. Some day the carvings on the stick declare, all people will recognize and honor this simple truth.”
“There are a lot of differences out there in life. I know for sure that the Creator loved diversity. I can see it in the creation. Look at how many different kinds of flowers. Look at how many different kinds of grass. Look at all the different kinds of trees. Look at all the different insects. When I start seeing how diverse this creation is, I know that the Creator loves the diversity. Look at how deep and how vast the diversity is.”
- Mad Bear (Tuscarora)
[Post by Mackboogaloo]
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Although Mad Bear is credited as being the “founder of the American Indian Unity Movement” it was his collaboration with the Hopi Elders, primarily David Monongye & Thomas Banyacya that fortified the inter-tribal unity consciousness movement from the 1950’s to the mid-80’s. Author, Vine Deloria Jr. (Standing Rock Sioux), himself a champion of Indian Rights, praised Mad Bear & David Monongye for “leading the most significant movement in religion in Indian affairs today.”
David’s adopted daughter, Zula Brinkerhoff, wrote a book called “God’s Chosen People of America” that was publically endorsed by the Hopi Elders and memorialized their “Gathering of Indian Brothers” unity events. The mending of the Sacred Hoop began!
In 1906 there was a division in Hopi-land between the traditionalists and the modernists (so-called “progressives”). The traditionalists were pressured to leave Old Oraibi and relocate to Hotevilla. In later years, during a 4-day Shungopavi conference of clan leaders, David Monongye along with Thomas Banyacya, Dan Evehema & Dan Katchongva, were appointed in 1948 to reveal Hopi traditional wisdom & prophecies to the general public, following the horrific atomic bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki in Japan by the U.S. This bombing was a “gourde of ashes” sign that foretold of events to come, per the Hopi Prophecies.
These 4 “messengers” were sent to the United Nations building, aka House of Micah (House of Glass), in 1949 to convey the message of the coming purification by fire to the world. They were denied entry. In 1959, 6 messengers, led by Dan Katchongva, made another failed attempt to give a warning to the world governing bodies.
The traditional Hopi Elders, in the early 1950’s to mid-50’s, made attempts to assert their Hopi autonomy and to protest federal policies affecting their land. During this time, intense exploitation of natural resources where happening. The Hopi Traditionals were amongst the most vocal opponents of various development projects, like the infamous strip-mine operation at Black Mesa, which was approved by the “modernists” that controlled the tribal council.
A pivotal hearing was held, via the commissioner of Indian Affairs, in Keams Canyon in July of 1955. This hearing allowed the Hopi traditional to voice their grievances and attempt to dislodge the tribal council. Unfortunately, the modernists who represented opposing political and spiritual influences voiced their opinions in the proceedings as well. As a result of this, no consensus emerged.
The Keams Canyon hearing debacle prompted the Traditional Elders to seek out like-minded spiritual leaders in other Native American communities. This inter-tribal orientation, according to James Treat, prompted the Hopi Traditionals to host two important meetings in Hotevilla in 1956. These events spawned the “Gatherings of Indian Brothers” & “Gatherings of Religious Peoples” that continued up until the late 60’s. Indian Brothers gatherings brought traditionalist leaders from many tribes together. Religious Peoples gatherings brought native & non-native people together.
Zula Brinkerhoff was given permission by David Monongye and the Hopi Traditionals in 1965 to publically spread the messages of the Hopi. In her book, “God’s Chosen People of America” she has recounts of several Gathering of Indian Brothers meetings that took place in 1959 (Hotevilla), 1962 (Hotevilla), 1965 (Starved Rock/Indiana) & 1969 (Seneca/Tonawanda Reservation, NY). The 1969 meeting, held on the Tonawanda Reservation, was also known as a “Unity Convention”, which Mad Bear helped organize.
A part of Mad Bear’s speech is included in Zula’s 1969 accounting of the Tonawanda gathering. He promoted “one” Indian tribal identity. Mad Bear also talked about the power they had as Indian brothers, with strength “greater perhaps than the atomic bombs with the help of the Great Spirit.”
Chief Clinton Rickard (Tuscarora), through his Indian Defense League, was an ally of Thomas Banyacya and the Hopi. Mad Bear was noted meeting with the Hopi Elders, along with Rolling Thunder (Cherokee) & Semu Huaute (Chumash) during the years 1955 & 1956. Mad Bear most likely first met Rolling Thunder & Semu through the Hopi.
In May of 1959, after the “6 Hopi messengers” were turned down from speaking at the House of Micah, Mad Bear, along with Chief Beeman Logan (Seneca) invited the Hopi, including Thomas Banyacya, to meet with them at the Onondaga Council.
Mad Bear was very interested in comparing prophecies of the Deganawida with those of the Hopi. Mad Bear impressed the Hopi with how well the 6 Nations were able to protect, preserve and keep intact their Longhouse heritage & traditions, despite attempts by boarding schools to destroy their culture & religion.
Both parties were surprised to find out that the ancient knowledge & drawings of the Hopi & Iroquois were very similar, even thought the two were not aware that they met before. This confirmed the legitimacy of the Hopi migration story, which Mad Bear became a proponent for.
Prior to Chief Clinton Rickard and Mad Bear’s introduction & connection with the Hopi, the southwestern tribes of America were led to believe by the propaganda (leaflets dropped off by airplane) of the Indian Affairs office that tribes east of the Mississippi River were non-existent. Gathering of Indian Brothers connected the East with the West and the North with the South.
Mad Bear and the Hopis developed their relationship and became force to be reckoned with. Mad Bear, being much younger and full of energy, kept the more reserved Hopis on their feet.
In Chapter 2 of “God’s Chosen People of America”, Zula talks about the Hopi’s story of Indian Corn. She explains that Indian corn grows in four pure colors; Black, White, Red & Yellow which represents the 4 directions and the 4 pure races.
Then Zula explains that a very long time ago, the “Great Migration” occurred. “The Great Spirit told the Hopi they must send their scouts and their families to the four directions of the earth to claim the world for the Creator. The point of beginning was Hopi-land.”
At the 1962 “Gathering of Indian Brothers” in Hotevilla, there was some chiefs and medicine people there from distant lands that were given a sign that they must return to their place of origin. There was a man from China, named Abbot To-Lun, who explained that he was not Chinese, he was a pureblood Indian, just like his 500 member tribe who have lived in China for hundreds of years and have not mixed their blood with any other race of people. He had sacred Indian signs & symbols as tattoos. The Hopi house structures and Indian ceremonies where similar to his tribe.
William Willoya from Alaska and Daddy Brey from Hawaii had a similar story to Abbot’s of returning to a point of origin. William Rickard, son of Chief Clinton Rickard, from the Tuscarora Reservation where Mad Bear lived, also shared this migration story and he carried a picture of a sacred hand print that connected his tribe with the Hopi.
There are other interesting examples of Hopi migration and connections in far away places.
In 8th Century Tibet, the 2nd Buddha Padmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche) stated, "When the Iron Eagle flies in the sky and Stone Bridges cover rivers. Horses with wheels will run on roads. East will meet West. Red People will meet Red People. At that time my teachings will benefit the world." In another translation, this was quoted as him saying, “When Tibetans are scattered throughout the world, and horses run on iron wheels and when iron birds fly, the dharma will come to the land of the red man.”
The perception of similarity between Native Americans of the Southwest and the Tibetans is undeniably striking. Beyond a common physicality & turquoise jewelry, parallels include the abundant use of silver & coral, the colors & patterns of textiles and long braided hair, sometimes decorated, worn by both men & women.
Cultural affinities between these the Hopi & Tibet were noted by author Frank Waters in his “Book of the Hopi” (1963). He cited corresponding systems of chakras within the body meridians that were used to cultivate cosmic awareness.
In “The Masked Gods” book (1950), Frank wrote about Pueblo & Navajo ceremonialism, observing that the Zuni Shalako dance symbolically mirrored the Tibetan journey of the dead.
The Hopis talk about migrating from “elsewhere”. This may be the reason that they share similarities with the Sumerians. Both believed two brothers had guardianship over the Earth. Many words are pronounced, spelled alike and share similar meanings; Lost Brother “Pahana”/Ancestor from Heaven who returns “PA.HA.NA”, Father Creator “Ka”/“KA”, Spiritual Guides “Alo”/Spirit Beings from Heaven “AL.U”, Spirit Messengers of Nature “Katchinas”/”KAT.SI.NA”, Pleiades Star Cluster “ChooChookam”/Supreme Stars “SHU.KHEM”, Snake “Chu”/”SHU”, Up “Omiq”/”AM.IK”, etc.
So the story of the corn symbolizes 4 directions, 4 races of Indian Brothers and One Great Spirit, all united as a Sacred Hoop. This creation story in general is not unique just to the Hopi. The Australian Aborigines and many other tribes share similar stories. Scientists, as well, believe that 250 to 300 million years ago there was only one land mass at the time. One land mass; One people!
[Post by Mackboogaloo]
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Medicine people have a quantum understanding of how the universe actually works. Medicine powers are fundamentally spiritual in nature but are also in alignment with the laws of Quantum Physics. Sideshow magicians, on the other hand use sleight of hand “magic” tricks to work their wonders. They pull rabbits out of hats, whereas Medicine people, with Creator’s help, pull rabbits out of the ether. Medicine people may on occasion use “tricks” to create a “placebo effect” for their patients, but this does not deter from the fact that their medicine is primarily rooted in the quantum reality.
In the Quantum Universe, nothing is solid. Nobel Prize winning physicists have scientifically proven that our physical world is a sea of energy. Physicality is actually pure consciousness in motion. Everything we see is an illusion. We are the equivalent of a virtual reality game. Life really exists within a living multi-dimensional hologram.
We will wake up someday from this game and realize that we have been dreaming. We are spiritual beings having human experiences, walking within the confines of Three-dimensional time & space, where everything appears linear. We are experiencing polarity.
Our physical senses pick up very little of what really exists around us. All matter is energy that is in a continuous flux. Out of this dancing spiral motion of energy, the consensus reality of our modern day society defines what we see, hear and experience. This definition has created our 3D reality, yet other dimensions do exist outside of what we can physically experience. The Traditional Elders have always understood this.
Miracles can happen in our daily lives when we learn to transcend the definitions that consensus reality has limited us to. What may appear to be magic or “good medicine” to us is really the application of universal laws given to us by creation. The forces opposed to inter-tribal unity consciousness have been fairly successful, till now, at blocking our access to these “cosmic laws” that are stored deep inside our DNA memory banks.
Michael Talbot's book, entitled "Holographic Universe", breaks down how what we think we are seeing is actually an illusion, a mind trick of the brain. Our 3D world is actually just a waveform that our consensus reality, is tuned into, akin to a radio channel. There are many channels on the radio dial and similarly there exists other dimensions of life which other beings in our multi-universe have tuned into as their consensus reality.
Real shamanic vision & extrasensory perception (E.S.P.) comes from the Pineal Gland, our 3rd Eye, which has always been the gateway to higher consciousness. This gland is our connecting station to the holographic universe. The forces opposed to inter-tribal unity consciousness are certainly threatened by our potential 3rd Eye re-awakening and they incessantly work to counter humanity from advancing mentally & spiritually. Their work consists of creating a toxic environment for us to live in to ensure the calcification of our Pineal Gland, to greatly minimize and spiritually castrate the illuminations of our 3rd Eye.
Fortunately, true knowledge of self is bearing its truths and we are beginning to realize that these truths are stranger than Fiction. Case in point; human life is a wave form and as crazy as it may sound, we flicker in and out of our human form thousands of times per second as all wave forms do. We are not all physically here even though it looks like we are. We exist on multiple levels, and on an infinite number of parallel realities, on various dimensions, possibly all within the same timeframe. Quantum mechanics has proved that an entire atom can simultaneously exist in two widely separated places at the same time, as Einstein believed.
We all have potential to see beyond the veil of our supposed limited human perception. David Wilcock’s “Source Field Investigations” book reveals that we share one universal mind, through which, one can astral-project & travel outside one’s physical body.
This means that we have the ability to simultaneously witness, in the spirit world, remote locations & events that occur outside of our immediate surroundings, the room or place in which we are presently occupying with our physical body.
Time is also an illusion. The Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, in Germany, has demonstrated that time may not exist at the most fundamental level of physical reality. So what may appear as being linear (beginning, middle & end) is actually circular, happening all at the same time, at this very moment, in the now, on various dimensions in the cosmos. We have the ability to time jump and change the past, present & future via the actions we take right now.
The 23rd & 24th Native American Elders Gatherings, hosted by the Dhyani Ywahoo (Cherokee) produced a 2011 documentary that served as a wake-up call for humanity. At this gathering, and in the film, an astrophysicist at Harvard and the Smithsonian Center of Astrophysics, Dr. Rudy Schilds Ph.D, made stunning acknowledgements regarding the Quantum Universe, as he spoke directly to the Elders. For example, Rudy stated, “What we are learning in Astrophysics about the properties of black holes is absolutely amazing and is the understanding and explanation of the things you have already built into your practice.” He further concluded this topic by saying, “It’s most probable that the purpose and intent of the Creator comes to us through the black holes.”
In regards to consciousness and the Quantum Field, this esteemed astrophysicist said, “It has been measured in the laboratory that quantum effects, effects that the mind can do, travel not a little bit faster than the speed of light but 10,000 times the speed of light in this ether space. So now we are at the crossroads. And probably the year 2012 means that we are just now coming into terms with another half of the universe that your mind and your ancient wisdom have known about all these years, but university types, academic types have not acknowledged.”
Dr. Rudy Schilds Ph.D continued, “This side of space, and I will now call it Dark Energy for the rest of this discussion, you have all known about it, it’s the Akashic Records, it’s Chi, it’s Orgone Energy, it’s all the same thing that civilization has known about for so long, is the space from which mental energy occurs and in it things propagate at vastly greater speeds than the speed of light, perhaps infinite speed, and in fact apparently, our mind can interact with gravitation & mass in ways we really don’t understand yet, but the aliens who come to us in spacecraft tell us about.”
“This is now the other half of the universe, the existence of an ether space. We live in a vastly more interesting universe because of this other half of the universe. And I think in any tradition, even beyond the Christian tradition, it means that the universe was amazingly fined tuned for it to work out the way we observe it. And may I say that this is most affectively the Native American understanding, the existence of a Creator in the universe and it having a purpose.”
From 1999 until 2011, SEED Institute sponsored the Language of Spirit Conference, featuring quantum physicists, Native American elders and linguists. The Language of Spirituality Conference was an international conference conducted primarily in a talking circle dialogue format, and included moderator Leroy Little Bear (Kainai), former Director of Native Studies at Harvard University along with physicists, astronauts, philosophers and authors.
The history of the conference went back to 1992, when Leroy Little Bear first approached quantum physicist, David Bohm, and initiated a dialogue between him and other accredited scientific minds, along with indigenous wisdom teachers like Sakej Youngblood Henderson (Chickasaw-Cheyenne). The conference was initially sponsored by the Fetzer Institute and then by MIT. The SEED Institute agreed to sponsor the conference when funding sources ran dry. Little Bear has been the moderator of all the dialogues.
The Quantum Universe is the Native American understanding. We should give thanks to our Traditional Elders who have spoken these universal truths from the very beginning of time. They understood the quantum mechanisms of our intelligent universe and knew how to interpret the Galactic Timepiece, the cyclic nature of time.
[Post by Mackboogaloo]
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CYGM is promoting the “Conscious” expression of Youth through the Arts.
CYGM is inspiring the Youth to create artistic content that is “Conscious”; meaning it has an inspirational “upbeat” message that is morally or spiritually elevating; speaks to the heart, mind, body and soul. These energetic messages foster personal development and leadership skills, which are a great benefit to the community.
Unique to CYGM is its commitment to pass on the core traditional values & principles that have been carried for thousands of years by the “The Elders” for our genuine safety & security.
“The Elders” are wise men and women, grandmothers & grandfathers, teachers & healers, prophecy keepers & storytellers who carry sacred indigenous (tribal) teachings. This is “lost” ancestral knowledge, which we call Original Instructions, in accords with the Laws of Nature, which are not taught in today’s classrooms.
CYGM does not promote or affiliates itself with social activist causes (Climate Change, Politics, Racial Equity, etc.) or Religion, its focus is strictly spiritual and encourages creativity & personal development.
CYGM is partnering with other like-minded organizations & artists that desire to create specific content that is in alignment with CYGM’s Mission statement. This is a Call-to-Action! Join in the fun!
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Be aware of the cyclic nature of time!
There is a Galactic Timepiece that is keeping time. Understand that humanity is leaving the 4th World and transitioning/ascending into the 5th as prophesied. This adjustment is not too be feared. Michael Bastine (Mad Bear’s apprentice) remarked, “Some people say it’s the end of the world. It’s the end of the world as they know it.”
Prophecies of “End Times” are abound yet the overwhelming consensus of our indigenous Traditional Elders from all 4 directions affirm that this event, overall, will be of great benefit to our Mother Earth and those that walk softly on her with all living beings great & small.
At the same time, those who have turned a blind eye to the sentient living universe around them will have to pay a heavy price via purification.
We who are of One Heart & One Mind have an active role to play as this cosmic detox begins. We have to heal and become whole on the inside. We have to cleanse the mind, spirit & body so that we can become a clear conduit between the 4 directions, Earth & Sky. We must attune to the Galactic Timepiece, the galactic heart of the universe that beats with the utmost precision. As above, so below!
Today we are living in a scientific age that is now beginning to understand that the new cutting-edge science is akin to ancient indigenous wisdom. The scientific age is beginning to wake up out of its controlled academic slumber and realizing that there has been advanced ancient knowledge on this planet that greatly exceeds that what is known today. So-called “History” and Science as we have been taught in school is a lie.
Case in point, the Precession of the Equinox, which is the westward movement of our Earth’s equinoxes along the ecliptic relative to the fixed stars. These equinoxes move opposite to the yearly motion of the Sun along the ecliptic. They wobble! 25,920 years per cycle.
Today’s scientists are now mathematically hip to this. The Ancients understood this! Santillana & Von Dechend’s book, “Hamlet’s Mill”, revealed that 30 separate ancient indigenous peoples from around the world knew of the Precession of the Equinox and the coming Golden Age.
The Mayan timekeepers understood the Galactic Timepiece. Their December 21st, 2012 long count end date predicted our present global environmental, political & religious upheaval. They recognized & chronicled the existence of our spiral-shaped galaxy that rotates around its center point, a black hole.
The Mayans, as well as other spiritually advanced ancient cultures, recognized that cycles of time and their relationship to the Galactic Center, the black hole (Heart) of our galaxy, also influences our consciousness. They understood that the Earth passes through repeating cycles of consciousness. Their calendar systems reflect this!
The Sanskrit scriptures, called “Vedas”, state that there are 4 of these cycles. Many of these cultures believe that we are coming out of the Dark Ages (the “Kali Yuga”), according to the Vedas and entering a new Golden Age or cycle where there will be peace on Earth again.
Carl Calleman, a friend to the Mayan Elders and scholar of their ancient timekeeping system, has done a lot of research into the “Ninth Wave”, which began on March 9th, 2011. This Ninth Wave is hugely affecting our human consciousness at this time. Carl stated, “I believe the Ninth wave of the Mayan calendar is the time of the Great Purification as has been talked about for instance in the Hopi Prophecy.”
Carl continues, “The high frequency of change and the many cross currents of cosmic energies that are now operating on our planet also affects the personal lives of many, who under the influence of this wave are going through major life changes. Planning your life as if it is going to stay the same in the future is becoming near or totally impossible even in the short term. Staying balanced is challenging when many energies are affecting us and pushing us in different, sometimes conflicting, directions.”
In Carl’s view, “the overall purpose of the Ninth wave is to make people realize that there will be no other way forward except a surrendering to the divine and a commitment to follow its guidance to create a world in harmony. Human beings will no longer be able to entertain the illusion that they are in control. The road of materialism has led to a dead end and attempts to get out of this are now likely to be blocked in all directions. The main theme of the Ninth wave will then be to let go, and especially to let go of all our established ways of domination.”
In conclusion, Carl gives us the assurance that a “new world can only be born out of chaos and the chaos from which the new world will be born is now being created by the Ninth wave. This chaos means that our established habits will be disrupted in order to make us open to be part of manifesting the purpose of the cosmic plan. This purpose can be understood from the Mayan calendar and other ancient sources and is to create a new world very different from the present one. If we want to be part of manifesting this we will need to surrender to and be guided by the divine because the changes will be too much to fathom for our intellects.”
“It is only such surrender that can lead us to be co-creators of the world that already exists in the mind of the divine. This transformation to unity consciousness will require a work of inner transformation of the individual, but an equally important component will be collective global events. Those sharing the intention of manifesting unity consciousness will come together and unify their hearts in global ceremonies.”
In “The Source Field Investigations” book by David Wilcock we learn about Dr. James Spottiswoode and his work regarding galactic energy (Galactic Center) and it is daily effect on consciousness. James discovered that the “earth’s alignment with the galaxy could create up to a 450% increase in psychic accuracy each day, within one hour of 13:30 local sidereal time, and the effect held true over twenty years worth of trials”. Scientific studies from the U.S. military’s remote viewing department correlate that a Remote Viewer's ability increased by up to 400% during 13.5 Local Sidereal Mean Time (LSMT).
There is plenty of other supporting material from the Source Field Investigations book that could expand our topic of the Galactic Timepiece.
For example; we are now discovering that evolution occurs in sudden bursts that reoccur in 26 & 62 million year cycles. This has been scientifically documented by the collective individual research of David Raup & John Sepkoski (University of Chicago) and Dr. Robert Rohde & Robert Muller.
Next example; Dr. Aleskey Dmitriev’s research has concluded that cosmic shifts affect solar activity which affect overall climate change in our solar system. “A team at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory near Oxford, led by Dr. Mike Lockwood, has discovered that in the last century, the overall strength of the Sun‘s magnetic field has more than doubled, becoming 230 percent stronger than it was in 1901. Even more interestingly, this rate of magnetic field growth is continually increasing in speed.” Dr. Aleskey confirms that this Solar activity has led to “accelerations in the speed of magnetic pole shifts, climate changes, earthquakes & cyclones on Earth, increased magnetic & plasma energy charges on other planets and changes in their atmospheric qualities. In addition, some of the planets are actually becoming noticeably brighter.”
Another example; German engineer, Paul Otto Hesse, discovered the existence of a Photon Belt that is shaped like a huge doughnut with a thickness of approximately 2,000 solar years or 759,864 billion miles. Our earth is now completing its 25,920-year cycle along with this Photon Belt, which it came in contact with around the year 1996. Photon energy is light energy that vibrates at a very high frequency. This is of great aid to our ascending shift in consciousness.
One last example; our consciousness is indeed evolving in accordance to the Galactic Timepiece. The scholar & Emeritus Professor of Political Studies, James R. Flynn, has discovered the “Flynn Effect” which is the name given to a long ongoing and substantial increase in IQ test scores measured in 20 countries around the world. This effect has shown that our IQ has been increasing on the average of 3 points per decade. This escalation of our IQ has been on an upward trajectory for the past century. According to the James, the “increase in IQ is most striking for tests measuring the ability to recognize abstract & non-verbal patterns. It is a symbolic intelligence and doesn’t arise from the increase in information flow.”
The Earth has a vibrational frequency that is known as the Schumann Resonance. This frequency has held steady at around 7.83 Hz since at least the turn of the last century when it was first measured. The military based its global communications on the Schumann Resonance frequency because it was considered to be constant. But this vibrational frequency has actually been increasing since 1987, the year of a succession of planetary alignments called the Harmonic Convergence.
By the dawn of this new millennium, the frequency of the Earth had risen to around 9 Hz. As this vibrational frequency has been speeding up, so has our concept of Time. The National Institute of Standards & Technology, which assists the entire world in maintaining a uniform system of “time”, has been making unexpected adjustments to their atomic clocks to compensate for this sudden change in time. But these clocks won’t work much longer because they will need too much adjustment for what is just ahead for planet Earth.
Our Mother Earth is ascending into higher dimensions of consciousness. It is letting go of duality & separation and adopting a new paradigm.
By the beginning of 2011, the Schumann Resonance had moved beyond 11 Hz. As it moves into the higher vibrational frequencies, our own frequencies must also increase. This is the principle of resonance.
Each cycle of the Mayan calendar moves about twenty times faster than the preceding cycle. Our initiation into this final cycle of the calendar, this final “underworld”, is our transformation into a timeless consciousness. So our rate of consciousness evolution will also be increasing, by 1000 percent.
As we can see, the Galactic Timepiece has great influence over current and past events in history. The cosmic energy is in our favor! Since 2012, Mother Earth energetically has transitioned from the masculine back to its feminine cycle.
[Post by Mackboogaloo]
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We must gather our Nations together (call-to-action)
Read this free definitive E-Book on Inter-Tribal Unity efforts led by Mad Bear Anderson (Tuscarora), which started as a collaboration between the Hopi and the Iroquois, named the AMERICAN INDIAN UNITY MOVEMENT (1950’s–1980’s). This is lost history the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) does not want you to know. And almost lost Indian Medicine knowledge that the world must not forget!
(1972 Unity Caravan, Utah)
[First Inter-Tribal Unity gathering… American Indians & White Americans meet]
Speaker/Mad Bear: Time is ever so short! You must, right now straighten this out, between yourself, the Creator and my people. We are gathering our nations together! You must gather yours together! To return back to the spiritual way of life; to return back as the Creator has intended. Or this whole world will be destroyed.
We are here today under our grandfather the Sun who is our witness and we have come here to deliver a message to all of you people, to all of our brothers & sisters to tell you that there are many things that are happening in this world now, and that we who are close to the forces of nature, close to the land and the spirits, and close to the Creator, know how to interpret these things, according to our prophecies.
Our Unity Caravan to begin with, began on August 21, 1967, at the Tonawanda Indian Reservation, near Bethany, New York. We called an emergency council, an emergency convention. We sent notices to all of our brothers & sisters, to come and meet with us because we saw a great problem facing our people. At that time, there was a bill, which was introduced into Congress. It was known as the Indian Resources and Development Acts of 1967.
Many of our nations refer to this bill as the Termination Bill or the Omnibus Bill, because it was so broad in its language, and if this bill would of passed, today, there would not have been an Indian reservation in the United States.
We would have lost all of the very little land, which our people, now, still hold on to, and still value so dearly. We, Indian people, believe that this Earth is our mother, that without her help, all life will die. Everything comes from our mother the Earth. Many times our people have neglected to take care of our mother Earth. Many times our other brothers and sisters from across the waters have not had that feeling from the soul and the heart, and the mind to the attachment of our mother the Earth. And there have been many things that had happened to this country.
There have been vast areas, thousands and thousands of acres of topsoil that has been ruined because of ruthless mining, and all these other things. Our mother the Earth has suffered terribly. Mines have gone in and taken the minerals from her ground. The wealth of these resources has not been put to proper use.
Today, my people, those few in number, representing less than one-half of one percent of the population of this land, are forced to live in poverty. Many of my people do not even enjoy three square meals. Many have no clothes. Many have no shoes. Many are hampered by other things that are respected by the economic world.
But we still are rich, rich in spirit, rich in heart, and rich with a feeling of closeness with the Creator. And according to the prophecies, one day we will stand again as a mighty nation. We are now gathering our people, as it was planned in 1967.
And this North American Indian Unity Caravan has toured its nation, and will be completed on September the 4th of this year at the Kahnawake Mohawk Indian reservation in Montreal, Quebec. We will have completed one hundred and fifty seven thousand miles of travel.
We have met with many nations and many people, and I must tell you people here, the community, that this is the first time that we have permitted a meeting with non-Indian people.
We want you to know this. Time is short! We have to tell you these messages. We are involved, according to our prophecies, with a responsibility of gathering of our Indian nation to salvage something of this world, which is about ready to be destroyed.
We have to do this duty. This is our obligation! And our leaders have told us that we would face many trials. We would face a lot of trouble & difficulties, hardship, and this has happened.
They have told us that we would see this country, as it really is, we would see the people, we would recognize the truth, we would see the fulfillment of prophecies, we would go through high winds, floods, hailstorm, fire, and all these forces of nature, that are now being activated.
Speaker/Mad Bear: Purification can only come about by wind, water and fire. That is what is happening to this land. That is why we tell you there is not much time left. You must get your people together! You must believe this. Because all you have to do is look around and see what has happened.
We are living in a dangerous time! If you continue to ignore this, you will have to pay the supreme price. If you do not get back and consider the first people; my Indian people, you will have to pay this price.
A great spirit has placed us here upon this land with very special instructions. He has told us that Mother Earth was handed to us by her for the protection and for the benefit of our future generations, of our children’s children, who are not yet born.
Today we will wander through the cities. We find hundreds and hundreds of our people, full bloods who have no nation to claim, who have no land to stand on, and who have no religious way of life.
This is wrong! This is one of the great crimes that have been perpetrated against my people. The sacred people, sacred fires, sacred ceremonies all go together. Without one the other cannot operate, cannot function.
It is a sad day when we see our own native people, our native Indian people, hitch hiking on these highways, walking through these cities, as vagrants in their own land.
A great spirit gave this land to us. It belongs to us, and if this mess is not straightened out soon, many lives will be lost by the forces of nature, because the great spirit will take this land back, purify it, and then return it to our people.
This is our problem! For twenty years, we have studied all about the prophecies and listened to them, and basically they are all the same. To our Indian people, we do not involve ourselves in the real estate or the selling of land, because it’s too sacred to us.
Every part of this country is sacred to my people. Every hillside, every valley, every plain and grove has been held by some fond memory or some sad experience of my tribe.
And even the rocks, which seem to lie dumb as they swelter in the sunshine, along the silent seashore, are thrilled with the memories of past events connected with the lives of my people.
The very dust under your feet responds more lovingly to our footsteps, than to yours, because it is the ashes of our ancestors. Our bare feet, our every conscious thought & sympathetic touch resonates with our ancestors. The soil is rich for the life of our kindred.
The glad, happy-hearted maiden, and even the little children who rejoiced here for a brief season, and whose very names are long forgotten still love this beautiful world that gave them being. They often return to visit, guide and comfort us.
Day and night cannot dwell together! The red men have ever fled the approach of the white men and the changing mist on the mountainside flees before the blazing sun.
However, today we come here. We extend our hand of friendship and brotherhood to all the people who are created by the same creator. We ask that you open your hearts, that we open our hearts, that we put our minds together as one, and try to straighten out these great wrongs which were and are still being perpetrated against my people.
Many of our people have recently has some strong visions, some hesitations, some great messages, some dreams which have told us that time is ever so short; that you must, right now, straighten this out, between yourself, the Creator and my Indian people, or you will be lost.
You must recognize what our people are doing. We are gathering our nations together! You must gather yours together! To return back to the spiritual way of life! Return back as the Creator has intended! Or this whole world will be destroyed! Only those that are strong, those that still follow the sacred ways will be saved, as it happened in the other worlds before this.
We have traveled this country and have seen many things which remind us of how many took place in those other worlds. We have seen volcanic ash, we have seen volcanic stones, and we have seen signs where the whole land was once covered with water.
We have seen where the ice age hit; the continental divide. These are the evidences of what we are talking about. We have recordings, rock carvings that are spread out all over this land, and for twenty years our people have been gathering the information on these. Thomas Banyacya, one of our religious leaders, have many pictures of these rock carvings that will one day stand against any deed on this land.
These rock carvings tell of a beautiful life that our people once enjoyed, when we were all in harmony with the Great Spirit. It records the events of things that have happened, and we can trace these rock carvings and prove to the world that our people were here on this land, that we never came from Asia, but were here and placed here by the Great Spirit. We were once living and enjoying a great civilization so far advanced from anything that the world has to offer us now. We were living here for at least 500,000 years before Christ.
Recently in a documentary by MGM which premiered on April 27th, entitled “In Search of the Lost World”, they presented before the TV audience of the world some proofs that the Indians even had launching pads for their inter-space travels. They had vehicles that propel from an unknown force. They had spaceships that travel interplanetary.
We have evidence to prove that we have the best calendar that was ever created by men. We have evidence to prove that we have contributed over three quarters of all the edible food, fruits, vegetables and plants of this land. Without the many gifts from the American Indians to the world, civilization would perish within a matter of hours.
We call upon all of you people to listen closely as we discuss our prophecies.
Speaker/Mad Bear: We believe that there are many things that are going to happen soon. Many have already happened! It is said that when our nation begins to rise, that we would even take the minds of the children of the white serpent. We would see many things happening, we would see our pine trees begin to die from top to down. We would also see them bend down with their tops facing Mother Earth like a cane.
To us, we know how to read these signs. To us this indicates that the spirit of that tree no longer wants to live in this polluted air, and has bent down to ask Mother Earth to take her back. To us, this means earthquake. And it has happened time and time again, wherever this tree has bent down.
Our people watched these signs! Right now we are asking the people to leave the cities and go back to your Indian way of life because all hope seems to be lost. This country is in trouble! It has lost spiritual contact with the Creator.
Gather your minds together! Do not any longer participate in programs or actions that are aimed to destroy my people. Do not participate any longer in this genocide of my people. Too many of my people have died!
There was a time when my people covered this whole land. But that time has long since past, the greatness of our tribes now almost forgotten.
I will not dwell no more over our timely decay, nor reproach my pale faced brothers while hasting it, for we too may have been somewhat to blame.
When our young men grow angry over imaginary wrongs, and they sprinkled their faces with black paint, their hearts also become disfigured and turned black. Our old men are unable to control them, the same as when your people pressed & pushed my people westward. But let us hope that the hostility between the red man and his pale faced brothers may never return. We would have everything to lose and nothing to gain!
Your religion was written on tablet stones by the iron finger of an angry God. Our religion is the dreams of our old men given to them at the silent hours of night, by the Great Spirit, and is recorded in the hearts of my people.
There are many things that we could tell you in the way which we believe, but we know that according to our prophecy, the Great Spirit has told us that this land will be returned to our people. And we hope that not too much life, or none perhaps, will be destroyed by this process. But we must all get together and make it right for the Creator before it’s too late!
[Post by Mackboogaloo]
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ONE- Seek strategies for personal development & leadership! A better you will improve the conditions of your surroundings and have a positive impact on the community.
TWO- Each one, teach one! Pass on the “conscious” messages you learn from CYGM, or other related-youth mentors, elders and materials (books, podcasts, YouTube videos). Be the bridge to connect other youth to ancestral knowledge & traditional teachings.
THREE- Connect to Mother Earth! On your journey as a “conscious youth”, take time to walk among nature. Breathe in the fresh air. Place your bare feet on the ground. Express gratitude!
FOUR- Unite the 4 directions! Use your “conscious” Art to connect with other “conscious” youth from divergent peoples, tribes & nations. Take pride in your own cultural heritage, while respecting others. We can work together; distinct cultures with common shared interests. One family, One people, One heart and One mind. Strength through Unity!
FIVE- Love thyself! Your body is your temple. Avoid harmful foods & toxins. Forgive yourselves & others. Let go of negative thoughts & emotions. Bless your food & water on a regular basis. Make time for self-care.
SIX- Honor the Divine Feminine! Give woman the highest level of respect. When women are whole & empowered, families are too; thus the bond of humanity is strengthened. The feminine is the matrix of all Creation.
SEVEN- Return to your traditional values! Return back to a holistic way of living that is compatible with our Earth Mother. The indigenous traditional elders are living libraries. They are here to assist all of humanity at this time. Make the effort to learn their ancestral wisdom. Seek out CYGM or other related-youth mentors that have direct access to their teachings, ceremonies and gatherings.
EIGHT- Co-create with “conscious” intent! Allow your Art to manifest an outcome that is for the highest good of all concerned. We are all co-creators with the Divine and all other life forms on this planet. Tap into your highest potential.
NINE- Gather in numbers! Come together with other “creative” youth in ceremony, celebration and personal development via festivals, workshops, group forums and concerts that promote global “consciousness”. Invite community leaders & indigenous traditional elders to speak & participate. Bridge the generational gap. Create an atmosphere of community.
TEN- Build a “conscious” social network! Technology can serve the movement. Utilize all opportunities of digital communication to spread messages of “consciousness”. Promote your “conscious” Art and the Conscious Youth Global Movement.
Note: CYGM is affiliated with The Each1Teach1 Elder Council (47 elders representing 25 tribes) and E1T1 Movement, which speaks “in general” on behalf of indigenous Traditional Elders on Turtle Island and beyond. Back in 2016 this movement was launched with a “mandate” to connect the youth to the sacred indigenous teachings of “The Elders”. The Each1Teach1 Movement has been put on hold, but its mandate, with its blessings, is alive & well via the CYGM. CYGM’s Core Principles come from The Each1Teach1 Movement!
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