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PROPHECY KEEPERS: White Roots of Peace Council
The “White Roots of Peace Council”, a different entity from the touring White Roots of Peace collective founded by Ernest Benedict & Tom Porter, was created by Mad Bear sometime in the 1960’s. The Council was set up to have meetings once a year in the 4 different areas of the continent. It is not a highly structured organization.
Will “Blueotter” Anderson (Cherokee) was designated by the Original Keetoowah Society's John "Red Hat" Duke as Council Speaker for the White Roots of Peace Council in 2000. Blueotter considers anyone who is interested in promoting Native prophecy as a member of it.
“Red Hat asked me to spearhead an effort to revive it until someone more senior appeared. I consider Mike Bastine and many others to be more senior. The verbiage White Roots of Peace ‘Council’ is my invention and an attempt to add some structure to it in the Internet era.”
The White Roots of Peace Council and similar Peace Councils were long prophesied by the Hopi to occur once the "House of Mica" was built. All the original White Roots of Peace Council elders have "walked West” (deceased), all forewarning before their deaths that the Purification Day of The Hopi Prophecy would closely follow their "walk West." Only a few well-mentored sons & daughters remain to speak in their behalf.
The mission of The White Roots of Peace Council is to fulfill the wishes of Hopi, Cherokee and Iroquois "White Roots of Peace" gatherings elders in sending their prophetic messages around the world. The council intends to establish peace through the worldwide realization of our ancient common global "relatedness”.
In 1985, Mad Bear appeared to Blueotter in a dream suggesting that he follow up on his Cherokee genealogy. This later led Blueotter to Zula Brinkerhoff, adopted daughter of David Monongye, Keeper of the Hopi Prophecy, who then introduced him to John "Rolling Thunder" Pope.
Will “Blueotter” Anderson assisted John “Red Hat” Duke in framing the council's charitable arm, "Prophecykeepers Foundation". This foundation and the Prophecy Keepers radio show, on, are both a ministry of the Oklevueha Native American Church of The White Roots of Peace, a 501(c) public foundation.
Blueotter hosts Prophecy Keepers radio, along with his co-host, “Mark the Badger”. Since 2004, Blueotter has interviewed over 250 Native American elders & Prophecy Keepers, including Russell Means (Oglala Lakota), Stanley Krippner, Ed “Eagleman” McGaa (Oglala Lakota), Chief Golden Light Eagle (Ihunktowan Dakota) Clifford Mahooty (Zuni), Hunbatz Men (Mayan) Grandmother Barbara Morning Star (Oglala Lakota) and Carl Calleman.
Mad Bear intended to write a book comparing prophecies from all over the world. His busy & never ending Spiritual Activism prevented him from writing his intended “Earth Mother Crying” book. Fortunately, Blueotter picked up the mantle by doing the necessary comparative research and writing an E-Book in 2003, using the same name.
Blueotter actually collected many cross-cultural prophecies for his newsletter in 1996. This was two years prior to learning about Mad Bear’s intention to write “Earth Mother Crying”.
Blueotter’s E-Book is an encyclopedia of Native people’s prophecies of Earth Changes that precede the coming age of “Universal Peace”. It compares biblical & indigenous prophecy worldwide and teaches us how to prepare for the coming “Purification”.
Other E-Books have been written by Blueotter to assist our preparation efforts and support the mission of the White Roots of Peace Council.
[Post by Mackboogaloo]
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