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Children of the Future are here
“The signs of this time of healing, that is to start are:
When the children bring back the drum to the village the cultures will be restored; when the young start speaking with the wisdom of the elders; when the leadership energies start shifting to the feminine side; when this hoop of the 100 eagles feathers gets completed; and when the White Bison shows up. These are all the signs of the movement from the 4th to the 5th Hoop.”
According to the Galactic Timepiece, we are encountering a vibratory shift of higher dimensional energy. This ascending cosmic force is now interacting with Earth's beings, communicating on a higher energetic level. This has accelerated inter-tribal unity consciousness efforts.
Just in time for the transition between worlds, a new breed of children has been seeded on this planet. These children are known as Indigos. They are also referred to as Crystal, Millennial or Rainbow kids. They are here to energetically aid humanity through its next stage of evolution.
The “Indigo Children” term comes from Nancy Ann Tappe who helped popularize the notion that the children of the next millennium are sensitive, gifted souls with an evolved consciousness who have come here to help change the vibrations of our lives and create one land, one globe and one species. They are our bridge to the future. The emergence of Indigo Children was originally foretold by Edgar Cayce.
Newsweek author, Sharon Begley, wrote an article, entitled “The IQ Puzzle”, that said the “IQ scores throughout the developed world have soared dramatically since the tests were introduced in the early years of the twentieth century. The rise is so sharp that it implies that the average school child today is as bright as the near-geniuses of yesteryear.”
Indigo Children were born in mass after 1992. It is believed that their DNA has been genetically encoded for this time, to participate in the grand awakening of humanity as we leave the 4th World and enter the 5th. These magical Indigo kids want to fly. Their imaginations are fertile grounds for higher dimensional inspiration. They have technology in their hands and can communicate around the world in seconds.
Unfortunately, the forces opposed to inter-tribal unity consciousness have worked overtime to put in place a matrix of mind control to divert & stifle the creative minds of these Indigo Children through the medium of the television, video games, social networks and Pop Culture, which has been controlled by the global elite through their corporate media.
Instead of Mother Nature being their internal guide, these Indigo Children have been programmed externally to value money, fame & popularity. In addition, they are accustomed to seeing violent images regularly in the media. Thus, fear & apathy has subconsciously set in and at present their generation, as a whole, appears to be lost, however, there is great hope that this condition will only be temporary. There are also new signs that an awakening that is near.
“Children will not listen to their parents
and parents will neglect their children.”
The matrix of mind control over Indigo Children also applies to those of Native American descent. The unfortunate consequence of termination & assimilation policies, along with “kill the Indian, save the man” boarding school era, has lead to generations of native children not listening to their parents and parents neglecting their children.
As a result, it is very difficult to pass on traditional understandings & teachings to today’s native youth. In general, native teenagers are too preoccupied with video games and looking at their cell phones. This behavior has resulted in the continued cycle of Traditional Elders “walking west” with no one younger to replace them.
It has gotten so bad, that on some reservations, like in Pine Ridge, South Dakota, black & Hispanic gang culture has become a way of life for teenagers. Suicide is also commonplace. Creator never intended the Red Road to be paved in blood.
Yet, no matter the degree of conditioning & control the corporate media has over the fragile minds of our children & youth, they cannot match the shift of higher dimensional energy that is vibrating our physical universe at this time. This new Quantum Energy field will soon place these Indigo Children onto higher grounds, back into close intuitive proximity with Mother Nature.
In the meantime, it is up to the older generation, the 60’s generation and Generation X, to carry the mantel of inter-tribal unity consciousness forward. Many from the 60’s were the hippies that Mad Bear and the traditionalists reached out to. This older generation grew up in a time that was much slower and had a greater appreciation for nature. They lived life before the Internet, cell phones & digital distractions. They experienced the “dawning of the Age of Aquarius” and the 1987 Harmonic Convergence. They crossed over the Mayan end date of December 21, 2012, the end of the 13th baktun.
Within the older generation there exists a cadre of traditionalist who were groomed by the medicine men & spiritual leaders from the World War II & Great Depression era. They have the support of their peers from the Baby Boom Generation, many of which ascribe to a wide range of “New Age” teachings & spiritual philosophies from around the world.
Together, they have collectively held back the fires of Purification. They have much hope that the younger generation of the Whirling Rainbow will soon be triggered by the Galactic Timepiece to kick into gear and save humanity from self-destruction.
[Post by Mackboogaloo]
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Star Nations and Star Knowledge Conferences
“Tarenyawagon united in one person the power of a God and a man, and gave him the expressive name of the “Holder of the Heavens”, and was capable of assuming any form or shape that he chose, but appeared to them only in the form of a man, and taught them hunting, gardening and the knowledge of the arts of war. He imparted to them the knowledge of the laws & government of the Great Spirit, and gave them directions and encouragement on how to fulfill their duties & obligations. He gave them corn, beans and fruits of various kinds, with the knowledge of planting those fruits. He taught them how to kill and to cook the game. He made the forest free to all the tribes to hunt, and removed obstructions from the streams. Tarenyawagon took his position, sometimes, on the top of high cliffs, springing, if needs be, over frightful chasms; and he flew, as it were, over great lakes in a wonderful canoe of immaculate whiteness and of magic power.”
In Iroquois mythology, Sky-Holder (Tarenyawagon) is the benefactor of humans and the high god of the Haudenosaunee tribes. In the mythology of many communities, Sky-Holder is the grandson of Sky-Woman, creator of the human race. To some Iroquois, Sky-Holder is identified as the original husband of Sky Woman, creator of the world but not the human race, who were created by Ioskeha. There are some Iroquois people who assert that Sky-Holder was the name of both Sky-Woman's husband and her grandson, and that the culture hero was either the reincarnation or namesake of the original Sky Chief. Other Iroquois people also believe that the legendary leader Hiawatha or his ally the Great Peacemaker was also a reincarnation or aspect of Sky-Holder. And there are some Iroquois communities that feel that "Sky-Holder" was simply a title of divinity & reverence, meaning that Ioskeha, Sky Woman's husband, Hiawatha and the Peacemaker were all entirely distinct personages.
The “Miracle of the Sun” was an event which occurred on October 13, 1917, near Fatima, Portugal. It was attended by some 30,000 to 100,000 people who stood in the rain. They witnessed extraordinary solar activity and saw an opaque spinning disc in the sky. After the event, the witnesses’ previously wet clothes became suddenly & completely dry.
From 1982-1985, large triangular & boomerang-shaped UFOs were reported over the Hudson Valley by over 7,000 credible witnesses, including police & officials at the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant.
In 1989 & 1990, large triangular & rectangular unidentified flying objects, one the size of an aircraft carrier, were reported over Belgium by over 2,000 witnesses, including police & military personnel.
In 1997, multiple sightings of a mile long boomerang-shaped UFO were reported over the state of Arizona by over 10,000 witnesses, including police, military personnel and Republican Governor, Fife Symington.
Thousands of such sightings of physical crafts of unknown origin have been reported throughout the world for decades by credible witnesses.
Recent polls clearly demonstrate that more than 50% of Americans believe that UFOs are a real phenomenon that deserves legitimate recognition and serious study by open-minded, qualified scientists.
Over 36 million Americans have seen a UFO.
In addition to all these witnesses, Jack Barranger, author of “Past Shock”, documented that there a more than 30,000 (ancient) written documents from all over the world that tell of advanced beings who either came to Earth or who were already living on Earth.
1996 was the official year that Native Americans came together to disclose their contact with E.T./Star Nations. They have kept this a secret for a very long time. The disclosure was triggered by the 1994 birth of a female white buffalo calf, named “Miracle”, in Janesville, Wisconsin.
Floyd Hand, a Lakota Medicine Man, commented on the birth of Miracle, "For us the Indians, it is like the return of Christ for the white people." The Lakota-Dakota-Nakota Nation (Sioux) had received centuries ago the Sacred Peace Pipe (Chanunpa) from a spiritual female being called “White Buffalo Calf Woman” along with high spiritual teachings.
Prophecies were being given to the Native nations about the coming of the “Buffalo Nation” which first would be the merging of the Red race in unity and harmony with the White, Black and Yellow races. The Buffalo Nation would also mean the coming of the Star Nations, the civilizations from the Stars. One of the prophecies says that these times will be announced by the birth of a female white buffalo calf, which will change color to yellow, red and black. This is exactly what happened to “Miracle” the white buffalo calf. Then to pinpoint the prophecies, a few other white buffalo female calves started to be born, even on Indian reservations.
Arvol Looking Horse, the 19th-Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe for the Sioux Nation, seeing that the prophecies from many Native nations were being fulfilled, called for a “World Peace & Prayer Day” on June 21, 1996. Spirituals leaders & elders, other Sacred Bundle Keepers and many others gathered at Grey Horn Butte. This was also a joint effort of Native Elders and spiritual white people for the first time. Until then, the elder councils of the various tribes from North America were always forbidding their members & medicine men to share their knowledge of sacred spiritual matters, and records pertaining to centuries of Star Nation contact, with the white man.
Sun Bear (Ojibwe) was the first Native American teacher to reveal on a large scale Indian spirituality. Now, from 1996 onwards, the elders started not only to bring the spiritual Native ways to the world, sharing sacred ceremonies with white people, but would reveal their contacts with the Star Nations which were kept secret, up to this time, within sweat lodges & elders councils. The appearance of full circular rainbows around the sun above ceremonies, called “Sun Dog”, would be another sign that the prophecies were about to come to completion. As of today many Native elders are saying that the passage between the 4th World and the 5th World of the Native Americans is occurring right now.
In the winter of 1995, during a four day praying fast, aka Vision Quest (Hanblecheyapi), Standing Elk (Chief Golden Light Eagle), a Ihanktowan Dakota Spiritual Advisor & Sundance Chief, was instructed in a vision to organize the first “Star Knowledge Conference” on the Yankton Sioux Reservation in South Dakota. The vision showed that Native American spiritual knowledge about the Star Nations (extraterrestrials) was to be shared with the world. This first conference also fulfilled ancient Hopi & Lakota prophecies.
During the 1st Star Knowledge Conference, in June 1996, on the Yankton Sioux Reservation, and the many other conferences that followed, various spiritual shamans & elders from many tribes have spoken. Such as:
Plains Tribes: Lakota, Oglala, Dakota, Blackfoot, Nakota & Miniconjou.
Eastern Tribes: Iroquois, Obeida, Seneca, Choctaw & Cherokee.
Southwest Tribes: Hopi, Yuck, Aztec, Apache & Mayan.
Even a Maori Shaman Chief came from New Zealand and a Sami (Laplander) from Scandinavia attended the Star Knowledge Conference because they had seen signs from ancient prophecies telling them that the time had come to share their origin from the stars, the influence of Star Beings visitors on their culture, spiritual beliefs & ceremonies and the imminent return of these Star Nations.
“The Lakota/Dakota Medicine Men are now being instructed to share the spiritual knowledge of the Star Nations because of the contamination of Mother Earth and the pollution of the air.”
Time has come now to share with as much people as possible the Star Knowledge, the knowledge brought now into the open by Native Americans, in order to prepare for global contact with these civilizations they call the “Star Nations”. This will be a quantum leap for the evolution of all the Earth nations. This event will be the fulfillment of all Native American prophecies, and the United States should lead the way. Mitakuye Oyasin!
[Post by Mackboogaloo]
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