Oklevueha NAC spiritual detoxing

There has been a concerted effort over the last two centuries to exterminate the Indigenous Native American religious culture. The blessings of the Indigenous Native American religious healing traditions have been suppressed and taken to the verge of extinction. This Religious tradition uses plants and herbs along with ceremonies to heal body, mind, and spirit, and assist with the transitions of life that we all experience. This natural and spiritual way of healing is directly opposed to most of the pharmaceutical medicines which are financially unavailable to many, and can create dependency, overwhelming side-effects, and the use of medical technology that invades and disrespects our bodies.

Our world is facing extreme challenges. The culture of excess, extortion, and willingness to eradicate that which is eternal in exchange for that which is a “quick fix” and temporary is leading us down a path of destruction, not only of our economy and ecology, but our spiritual nature and healing. There is another way – a truer way – a way of harmony, peace and building rather than destruction or management of damage.

All societies live with dichotomy and this struggle – whether to embrace light or darkness. The Indigenous Native American religious cultures have always been diverse and there have been many tribes. Over millennia, tribes from all over both the Northern and Southern hemispheres have learned and passed down ways of healing, empowering, understanding, and living harmoniously and productively with themselves, others, and nature. Our world needs the wisdom they have gained. Many Indigenous peoples do not want to share what they have learned because of the atrocities they have suffered at the hands of “civilized” people who have invaded, co-opted, and eradicated the lands that sustained them. This is understandable.

Here at Oklevueha Native American Church you will find those who wish to share and protect those understandings and natural medicines. We bring these sacred medicines and ceremonies and offer them as a gift to all races and cultures in the hope that they can assist in healing our world and all our relations.

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CYGM (Conscious Youth Global Movement)

The Conscious Youth Global Movement (CYGM) is promoting the “Conscious” expression of Youth through the Arts.


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